Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC75761 hydrogenase 3 and formate hydrogenase complex, HycG subunit [Ensembl]. NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase [Interproscan]. hycG, b2719 0.9680593402698179 2 AAC75762 formate hydrogenlyase complex iron-sulfur protein [Ensembl]. 4Fe-4S dicluster domain [Interproscan]. hycF, b2720 0.950921183610426 2 AAC75764 hydrogenase 3, membrane subunit [Ensembl]. NADH dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. hycD, b2722 0.8880238200203888 5 AAC75765 hydrogenase 3, membrane subunit [Ensembl]. Proton-conducting membrane transporter [Interproscan]. hycC, b2723 0.8790744728263844 6 AAC75763 hydrogenase 3, large subunit [Ensembl]. Nickel-dependent hydrogenase, Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. hycE, b2721 0.8606976976882942 5 AAC75759 protease involved in processing C-terminal end of HycE [Ensembl]. Hydrogenase maturation protease [Interproscan]. hycI, b2717 0.8533994235184952 6 AAC75766 hydrogenase 3, Fe-S subunit [Ensembl]. 4Fe-4S dicluster domain [Interproscan]. hycB, b2724 0.848130299231107 7 AAC75755 formate dehydrogenase-H, [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin subunit [Ensembl]. 4Fe-4S binding domain, 4Fe-4S dicluster domain [Interproscan]. hydN, b2713 0.8353178539222679 8 AAC75767 regulator of the transcriptional regulator FhlA [Ensembl]. Transcriptional repressor of hyc and hyp operons [Interproscan]. hycA, b2725 0.8029319051494697 9 AAD13462 formate dehydrogenase-H, selenopolypeptide subunit [Ensembl]. Molybdopterin oxidoreductase Fe4S4 domain [Interproscan]. fdhF, b4079 0.7215544687739536 10 AAC74063 cytochrome bd-II oxidase, subunit I [Ensembl]. Cytochrome bd terminal oxidase subunit I [Interproscan]. appC, b0978 0.6573574847784084 11 AAC77076 arginine:agmatine antiporter [Ensembl]. Amino acid permease [Interproscan]. adiC, b4115 0.6445441828094699 12 AAC74057 hydrogenase 1, small subunit [Ensembl]. NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NiFe/NiFeSe hydrogenase small subunit C-terminal [Interproscan]. hyaA, b0972 0.6331566914343583 13 AAC74058 hydrogenase 1, large subunit [Ensembl]. Nickel-dependent hydrogenase [Interproscan]. hyaB, b0973 0.6250616561839751 14 AAC74065 phosphoanhydride phosphorylase [Ensembl]. Histidine phosphatase superfamily (branch 2) [Interproscan]. appA, b0980 0.6206244212184194 15 AAC74059 hydrogenase 1, b-type cytochrome subunit [Ensembl]. Prokaryotic cytochrome b561 [Interproscan]. hyaC, b0974 0.6130358340562786 16 AAC74064 cytochrome bd-II oxidase, subunit II [Ensembl]. Cytochrome bd terminal oxidase subunit II [Interproscan]. appB, b0979 0.5814477219409013 17 AAC74062 hydrogenase-1 protein nickel incorporation factor [Ensembl]. HupH hydrogenase expression protein [Interproscan]. hyaF, b0977 0.5679349514445973 18 AAC77330 putative patatin-like family phospholipase [Ensembl]. yjjU, b4377 0.5536251034338844 41 AAC74060 hydrogenase 1 maturation protease [Ensembl]. Hydrogenase maturation protease [Interproscan]. hyaD, b0975 0.5434704142627704 20 AAC74061 putative HyaA chaperone [Ensembl]. Hydrogenase-1 expression protein HyaE [Interproscan]. hyaE, b0976 0.4966109781678252 22 AAC73587 glutaminase 1 [Ensembl]. Glutaminase [Interproscan]. glsA, b0485 0.46686993899709395 42 AAC75627 quinolinate synthase, L-aspartate oxidase (B protein) subunit [Ensembl]. FAD binding domain, Fumarate reductase flavoprotein C-term [Interproscan]. nadB, b2574 0.44087549942682075 25