Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC74542 H repeat-associated putative transposase [Ensembl]. DDE_Tnp_1-associated, Transposase DDE domain [Interproscan]. ydcC, b1460 0.8985185985441081 16 AAC76687 adenine permease, high affinity; adenine:H+ symporter [Ensembl]. Permease family [Interproscan]. adeQ, b3664 0.8812741439942439 67 AAC75971 putative mannitol-specific enzyme IIA component of PTS [Ensembl]. Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system [Interproscan]. cmtB, b2934 0.8762960507349346 93 AAC76177 putative periplasmic pilin chaperone [Ensembl]. Pili assembly chaperone PapD, Pili and flagellar-assembly chaperone [Interproscan]. yraI, b3143 0.8678294776593458 86 AAC75426 putative multidrug efflux system [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. emrY, b2367 0.8658217442851595 63 AAC73429 uncharacterized protein [Ensembl]. yahL, b0326 0.8620806931522643 65 AAC76509 putative transposase [Ensembl]. DDE_Tnp_1-associated, Transposase DDE domain [Interproscan]. yhhI, b3484 0.8609788504144005 21 AAC73478 putative transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. Winged helix-turn-helix DNA binding [Interproscan]. iprA, b0375 0.8599142299478713 98 AAC75431 putative transporter [Ensembl]. Membrane transport protein [Interproscan]. yfdV, b2372 0.8581545323013101 68 AAC76871 MFS transporter family protein [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. yihN, b3874 0.8508978135084293 49 AAC73637 response regulator family protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory proteins, Response regulator receiver domain [Interproscan]. fimZ, b0535 0.8500115994965262 83 AAC74805 repressor of chb operon for N,N'-diacetylchitobiose utilization [Ensembl]. Cupin domain, Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. chbR, b1735 0.8498040053762351 89 AAC73633 putative periplasmic pilus chaperone [Ensembl]. Pili assembly chaperone PapD, Pili and flagellar-assembly chaperone [Interproscan]. sfmC, b0531 0.8490925475957262 48 AAC74855 putative membrane-anchored diguanylate cyclase [Ensembl]. Diguanylate cyclase, Membrane-associated sensor [Interproscan]. cdgI, b1785 0.8427482694446085 79 AAC73667 porin thermoregulatory transcriptional activator [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. envY, b0566 0.8420728527168154 98 AAC76206 putative EptAB family phosphoethanolamine transferase, inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. Sulfatase [Interproscan]. yhbX, b3173 0.8402020331177579 62 AAC77036 pentapeptide repeats protein [Ensembl]. Pentapeptide repeats (9 copies), Pentapeptide repeats (8 copies) [Interproscan]. yjcF, b4066 0.8388233902098162 66 AAC73632 FimA homolog, function unknown [Ensembl]. Fimbrial protein [Interproscan]. sfmA, b0530 0.8354192686750535 82 AAC76156 pentapetide repeats-related protein [Ensembl]. yhaC, b3121 0.833595572361304 86