Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC76204 ribosome maturation factor for 30S subunits [Ensembl]. RimP N-terminal domain, RimP C-terminal SH3 domain [Interproscan]. rimP, b3170 0.5067946743445444 10 AAC76857 Cpx stress response Thr/Ser protein kinase; MazF antagonist protein [Ensembl]. Phosphotransferase enzyme family [Interproscan]. srkA, b3859 0.473118535697686 16 AAC76203 transcription termination/antitermination L factor [Ensembl]. NusA-like KH domain, S1 RNA binding domain, NusA N-terminal domain, Helix-hairpin-helix domain [Interproscan]. nusA, b3169 0.43694483763839814 72 AAC74075 cold shock protein homolog, cold-inducible [Ensembl]. 'Cold-shock' DNA-binding domain [Interproscan]. cspG, b0990 0.4295324541643401 8 AAC77136 exoribonuclease R, RNase R [Ensembl]. RNB domain, Cold shock domain, S1 RNA binding domain, Ribonuclease B OB domain, Ribonuclease R winged-helix domain [Interproscan]. rnr, b4179 0.4266664176890592 53 AAC73233 PulS_OutS family protein [Ensembl]. Type II secretion system pilotin lipoprotein (PulS_OutS) [Interproscan]. yacC, b0122 0.40409916076301833 45 AAC74076 cold shock gene [Ensembl]. Putative antitoxin of bacterial toxin-antitoxin system [Interproscan]. ymcE, b0991 0.39834678606984103 17 AAC76305 DUF1488 family protein [Ensembl]. yrdB, b3280 0.39072683909636907 95 AAC75819 7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase; queosine biosynthesis [Ensembl]. Radical SAM superfamily, 4Fe-4S single cluster domain [Interproscan]. queE, b2777 0.3824266339444074 63 AAC76197 lipoprotein involved in osmotic sensitivity and filamentation [Ensembl]. Tetratricopeptide repeat [Interproscan]. nlpI, b3163 0.3753544331006221 70 AAC74706 dipeptide and tripeptide permease A [Ensembl]. dtpA, b1634 0.37222675231491 67 AAC77137 23S rRNA mG2251 2'-O-ribose methyltransferase, SAM-dependent [Ensembl]. SpoU rRNA Methylase family, RNA 2'-O ribose methyltransferase substrate binding [Interproscan]. rlmB, b4180 0.3450903894711821 100 AAC74672 multidrug efflux system transporter [Ensembl]. Small Multidrug Resistance protein [Interproscan]. mdtJ, b1600 0.33393301979328727 79 AAC74630 Qin prophage; cold shock protein [Ensembl]. 'Cold-shock' DNA-binding domain [Interproscan]. cspB, b1557 0.32766220659409456 90 AAT48235 inhibitor of the cpx response; periplasmic adaptor protein [Ensembl]. LTXXQ motif family protein [Interproscan]. cpxP, b4484 0.3231292174304694 96