Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCP43380 (3R)-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase subunit HadC [Ensembl]. N-terminal half of MaoC dehydratase [Interproscan]. hadC, Rv0637 0.8622728308363857 2 CCP45911 Putative cell division protein FtsX (septation component-transport integral membrane protein ABC transporter) [Ensembl]. ftsX, Rv3101c 0.83721042630255 4 CCP43379 (3R)-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase subunit HadB [Ensembl]. MaoC like domain [Interproscan]. hadB, Rv0636 0.8094025873913373 3 CCP44962 Conserved protein TB16.3 [Ensembl]. Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport [Interproscan]. TB16.3, Rv2185c 0.7960535912712642 4 CCP43478 Adenylate kinase Adk (ATP-AMP transphosphorylase) [Ensembl]. adk, Rv0733 0.7525114546797265 7 CCP44382 Probable acyl-CoA thioesterase II TesB1 [Ensembl]. Acyl-CoA thioesterase [Interproscan]. tesB1, Rv1618 0.7414749271611322 7 CCP43477 Probable preprotein translocase SecY [Ensembl]. SecY translocase [Interproscan]. secY, Rv0732 0.7374318693650489 18 CCP45081 Probable chaperone protein HtpG (heat shock protein) (HSP90 family protein) (high temperature protein G) [Ensembl]. Hsp90 protein, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. htpG, Rv2299c 0.7322909526058696 8 CCP42779 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv0057 0.7262498113566661 9 CCP45574 GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family [Interproscan]. Rv2775 0.7168381364443613 25 CCP42724 DNA polymerase III (beta chain) DnaN (DNA nucleotidyltransferase) [Ensembl]. DNA polymerase III beta subunit [Interproscan]. dnaN, Rv0002 0.7113493405663098 11 CCP45684 Ribosome recycling factor Frr (ribosome releasing factor) (RRF) [Ensembl]. Ribosome recycling factor [Interproscan]. frr, Rv2882c 0.7108682965303604 12 CCP45145 Probable glycyl-tRNA synthetase GlyS (glycine--tRNA ligase) (GLYRS) [Ensembl]. glyS, Rv2357c 0.7108359906223558 47 CCP43463 50S ribosomal protein L6 RplF [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein L6 [Interproscan]. rplF, Rv0719 0.7082911419471746 14 CCP45758 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Methyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. Rv2954c 0.706814695359627 15 CCP43563 Probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase CysA2 (rhodanese-like protein) (thiosulfate cyanide transsulfurase) (thiosulfate thiotransferase) [Ensembl]. Rhodanese-like domain [Interproscan]. cysA2, Rv0815c 0.7049584190961423 16 CCP45927 Probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase CysA3 (rhodanese-like protein) (thiosulfate cyanide transsulfurase) (thiosulfate thiotransferase) [Ensembl]. Rhodanese-like domain [Interproscan]. cysA3, Rv3117 0.7049584190961423 17 CCP42725 DNA replication and repair protein RecF (single-strand DNA binding protein) [Ensembl]. recF, Rv0003 0.7037080727382463 18 CCP43640 Probable monooxygenase [Ensembl]. Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like [Interproscan]. Rv0892 0.701438506014477 19 CCP43546 29 KDa antigen CFP29 [Ensembl]. Encapsulating protein for peroxidase [Interproscan]. cfp29, Rv0798c 0.700195156495204 29 CCP45271 Probable macrolide-transport ATP-binding protein ABC transporter [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. Rv2477c 0.6982218969486411 21 CCP43535 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv0787A 0.6949289732362125 22 CCP46548 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv3722c 0.6934706406191412 23 CCP44149 Probable DNA-directed RNA polymerase (omega chain) RpoZ (transcriptase omega chain) (RNA polymerase omega subunit) [Ensembl]. rpoZ, Rv1390 0.6900945782226635 24 CCP43386 Methoxy mycolic acid synthase 3 MmaA3 (methyl mycolic acid synthase 3) (MMA3) (hydroxy mycolic acid synthase) [Ensembl]. Mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase [Interproscan]. mmaA3, Rv0643c 0.6875069979817146 25 CCP45926 Probable molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoeB2 (MPT-synthase sulfurylase) (molybdopterin synthase sulphurylase) [Ensembl]. ThiF family, Rhodanese-like domain [Interproscan]. moeB2, Rv3116 0.6859554019314597 45 CCP42783 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv0061c 0.678074883413568 27 CCP45763 Possible methyltransferase (methylase) [Ensembl]. Cephalosporin hydroxylase [Interproscan]. Rv2959c 0.6771649300340588 28 CCP43459 50S ribosomal protein L24 RplX [Ensembl]. KOW motif, Ribosomal proteins 50S L24/mitochondrial 39S L24 [Interproscan]. rplX, Rv0715 0.676668967178514 29 CCP45776 Probable oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. Aldo/keto reductase family [Interproscan]. Rv2971 0.6750562769767527 30 CCP44259 Probable methyltransferase [Ensembl]. Methyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. Rv1498c 0.6688921829132959 64 CCP43202 Possible mycolic acid synthase UmaA [Ensembl]. Mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase [Interproscan]. umaA, Rv0469 0.6680607823951455 32 CCP46751 Possible hemolysin [Ensembl]. Putative membrane protein insertion efficiency factor [Interproscan]. Rv3922c 0.6676273735988093 33 CCP44279 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Methyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. Rv1515c 0.6676126654500034 34 CCP45410 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv2613c 0.6658563484088216 35 CCP42782 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Macro domain [Interproscan]. Rv0060 0.6533183765695749 36 CCP45052 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2695) [Interproscan]. Rv2271 0.6494976490736768 37 CCP43700 Probable succinyl-CoA synthetase (alpha chain) SucD (SCS-alpha) [Ensembl]. CoA-ligase, CoA binding domain [Interproscan]. sucD, Rv0952 0.6492537446751778 38 CCP46638 UDP-galactopyranose mutase Glf (UDP-GALP mutase) (NAD+-flavin adenine dinucleotide-requiring enzyme) [Ensembl]. UDP-galactopyranose mutase, NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain [Interproscan]. glf, Rv3809c 0.6413618395078432 39 CCP43305 Probable methyltransferase/methylase [Ensembl]. Dimerisation domain, O-methyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. Rv0567 0.6411224797648097 40 CCP45912 Putative cell division ATP-binding protein FtsE (septation component-transport ATP-binding protein ABC transporter) [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. ftsE, Rv3102c 0.636308824590009 41 CCP43506 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. HIT domain [Interproscan]. Rv0759c 0.6338588352758001 42 CCP45057 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Cyclodipeptide synthase [Interproscan]. Rv2275 0.6330362532527888 43 CCP42890 Conserved protein TB18.5 [Ensembl]. Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport [Interproscan]. TB18.5, Rv0164 0.6293834346277055 44 CCP44998 Glutamine synthetase GlnA1 (glutamine synthase) (GS-I) [Ensembl]. glnA1, Rv2220 0.6279548402829481 45 CCP43738 Possible conserved exported protein [Ensembl]. Lipocalin-like domain, CrtC N-terminal lipocalin domain [Interproscan]. Rv0988 0.6278579794299987 79 CCP46421 Lysyl-tRNA synthetase 1 LysS (lysine--tRNA ligase 1) (LysRS 1) (lysine translase) [Ensembl]. lysS, Rv3598c 0.6248899352435044 47 CCP44749 Immunogenic protein Mpt64 (antigen Mpt64/MPB64) [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF3298) [Interproscan]. mpt64, Rv1980c 0.6223216878223473 48 CCP42976 Probable succinate dehydrogenase [iron-sulfur subunit] (succinic dehydrogenase) [Ensembl]. 4Fe-4S dicluster domain, 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain [Interproscan]. Rv0247c 0.6221542781250181 49 CCP46321 Mce-family protein Mce4A [Ensembl]. MlaD protein, Cholesterol uptake porter CUP1 of Mce4 [Interproscan]. mce4A, Rv3499c 0.619295784711684 50 CCP46226 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv3404c 0.6167879921236508 51 CCP43195 Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase LpdC (lipoamide reductase (NADH)) (lipoyl dehydrogenase) (dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase) (diaphorase) [Ensembl]. lpdC, Rv0462 0.6123121701662337 52 CCP44016 Probable oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. FAD binding domain [Interproscan]. Rv1260 0.6110530185689644 67 CCP46610 Probable O-antigen/lipopolysaccharide transport ATP-binding protein ABC transporter RfbE [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. rfbE, Rv3781 0.6110300750193185 54 CCP43457 Probable conserved transmembrane protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF4436) [Interproscan]. Rv0713 0.6105200857400995 55 CCP42731 Probable iron-regulated peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A PpiA (PPIase A) (rotamase A) [Ensembl]. Cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase/CLD [Interproscan]. ppiA, Rv0009 0.6086329448307969 57 CCP46574 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv3747 0.6085733701676731 58 CCP42903 Probable conserved Mce associated protein [Ensembl]. Rv0177 0.6079834853382912 59 CCP45731 Probable thioesterase TesA [Ensembl]. Thioesterase domain [Interproscan]. tesA, Rv2928 0.6052578453419569 80 CCP44030 Possible lipoprotein LprB [Ensembl]. lprB, Rv1274 0.6043960915782952 61 CCP45195 Probable GTP-binding protein LepA (GTP-binding elongation factor) [Ensembl]. lepA, Rv2404c 0.6007760108631452 62 CCP43639 Possible transcriptional regulatory protein [Ensembl]. Rv0891c 0.5972691513951653 64 CCP44269 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv1507c 0.5942729906074566 67 CCP43385 Methoxy mycolic acid synthase 4 MmaA4 (methyl mycolic acid synthase 4) (MMA4) (hydroxy mycolic acid synthase) [Ensembl]. Mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase [Interproscan]. mmaA4, Rv0642c 0.5937689889416927 66 CCP42851 Trehalose synthase TreS [Ensembl]. Alpha amylase, Maltogenic Amylase [Interproscan]. treS, Rv0126 0.5928005168577197 67 CCP44285 Probable fatty-acid-AMP ligase FadD25 (fatty-acid-AMP synthetase) (fatty-acid-AMP synthase) [Ensembl]. AMP-binding enzyme [Interproscan]. fadD25, Rv1521 0.5917519658414108 68 CCP45563 Probable thymidylate synthase ThyA (ts) (TSASE) [Ensembl]. Thymidylate synthase [Interproscan]. thyA, Rv2764c 0.5915410115004975 69 CCP42775 30S ribosomal protein S6 RpsF [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein S6 [Interproscan]. rpsF, Rv0053 0.5905960740206418 70 CCP43507 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2) domain [Interproscan]. Rv0760c 0.5898731329240917 71 CCP45071 Probable CDP-diacylglycerol pyrophosphatase Cdh (CDP-diacylglycerol diphosphatase) (CDP-diacylglycerol phosphatidylhydrolase) [Ensembl]. cdh, Rv2289 0.5883324508547831 88 CCP44681 Unknown protein [Ensembl]. Rv1914c 0.5880967008034279 73 CCP45755 Possible oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. Rv2951c 0.5833354359308907 74 CCP46675 Superoxide dismutase [FE] SodA [Ensembl]. sodA, Rv3846 0.5833004531012919 75 CCP43997 Possible antitoxin VapB33 [Ensembl]. vapB33, Rv1241 0.5782553840991613 76 CCP44125 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv1366A 0.5766770723546795 79 CCP46688 Probable ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase [NADPH] (large subunit) GltB (L-glutamate synthase) (L-glutamate synthetase) (NADH-glutamate synthase) (glutamate synthase (NADH))(NADPH-GOGAT) [Ensembl]. GXGXG motif, Glutamate synthase central domain, Glutamine amidotransferases class-II, Conserved region in glutamate synthase [Interproscan]. gltB, Rv3859c 0.5764834608703172 80 CCP44725 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv1957 0.5758744675264831 81 CCP44642 Probable bacterioferritin BfrA [Ensembl]. Ferritin-like domain [Interproscan]. bfrA, Rv1876 0.5751143990065913 82 CCP45384 Probable conserved membrane protein secretion factor YajC [Ensembl]. Preprotein translocase subunit [Interproscan]. yajC, Rv2588c 0.5719814707169851 83 CCP45072 Probable conserved lipoprotein LppO [Ensembl]. Mycobacterium 19 kDa lipoprotein antigen [Interproscan]. lppO, Rv2290 0.571891509302702 84 CCP44311 Probable DNA polymerase III (alpha chain) DnaE1 (DNA nucleotidyltransferase) [Ensembl]. PHP domain, Helix-hairpin-helix motif, Bacterial DNA polymerase III alpha NTPase domain, Bacterial DNA polymerase III alpha subunit finger domain [Interproscan]. dnaE1, Rv1547 0.5709591989337313 85 CCP45019 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF3052) [Interproscan]. Rv2239c 0.5708541279792594 86 CCP46314 Conserved hypothetical Mce associated protein [Ensembl]. Rv3492c 0.5685129363256503 88 CCP43241 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. N-terminal half of MaoC dehydratase [Interproscan]. Rv0504c 0.5664467360013876 91 CCP45772 Probable conserved integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. Vitamin K epoxide reductase family [Interproscan]. Rv2968c 0.5656381184253149 92 CCP43425 30S ribosomal protein S12 RpsL [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein S12/S23 [Interproscan]. rpsL, Rv0682 0.5605225131984496 93 CCP46717 Probable conserved membrane protein [Ensembl]. Rv3888c 0.5588903754107573 94 CCP43766 Probable conserved lipoprotein LpqT [Ensembl]. Probable lipoprotein LpqN [Interproscan]. lpqT, Rv1016c 0.5583597406645162 95 CCP45058 Cytochrome P450 121 Cyp121 [Ensembl]. Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. cyp121, Rv2276 0.5582675385193773 96 CCP43604 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport [Interproscan]. Rv0856 0.5555953343619331 97 CCP46346 Probable conserved membrane protein [Ensembl]. NHL repeat [Interproscan]. Rv3524 0.5549853476535905 98 CCP43203 Mycolic acid synthase PcaA (cyclopropane synthase) [Ensembl]. Mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase [Interproscan]. pcaA, Rv0470c 0.5536819818834908 99 CCP42772 Probable bifunctional penicillin-binding protein 1A/1B PonA1 (murein polymerase) (PBP1): penicillin-insensitive transglycosylase (peptidoglycan TGASE) + penicillin-sensitive transpeptidase (DD-transpeptidase) [Ensembl]. Transglycosylase, Penicillin binding protein transpeptidase domain [Interproscan]. ponA1, Rv0050 0.5529319872057696 100