Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCL18862 Putative MiaB-like tRNA modifying enzyme [Ensembl]. BN171_2690019 0.9422507390561746 1 CCL19045 Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase [Ensembl]. Formyl transferase [Interproscan]. fmt, BN171_2830013 0.9349016660551449 2 CCL18983 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG [Ensembl]. recG, BN171_2790012 0.9084438100784018 3 CCL19212 GTP pyrophosphokinase (RelA/SpoT) [Ensembl]. Region found in RelA / SpoT proteins, TGS domain, HD domain, ACT domain [Interproscan]. relA, BN171_2950014 0.896187980647228 4 CCL17620 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1640010 0.8891342536422249 6 CCL18061 Putative acyltransferase [Ensembl]. BN171_2090005 0.8865239675997023 6 CCL19214 Single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease [Ensembl]. recJ, BN171_2950016 0.8852289494150197 15 CCL18062 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase [Ensembl]. LytB protein [Interproscan]. ispH, BN171_2090006 0.8600438113350174 8 CCL19215 Putative ubiquinone biosynthesis protein [Ensembl]. BN171_2950017 0.8596658436529643 15 CCL17474 Mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosamidase [Ensembl]. Mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, Bacterial SH3 domain [Interproscan]. acd, BN171_1510016 0.8595594317251092 17 CCL17764 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function DUF45 [Interproscan]. BN171_1770008 0.8582015690336668 11 CCL17621 Putative hydrolase [Ensembl]. VanW like protein, Putative peptidoglycan binding domain, G5 domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1640011 0.8565670598309854 12 CCL18864 Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase (L11 Mtase) [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase (PrmA) [Interproscan]. prmA, BN171_2690021 0.8565051949954382 13 CCL18060 Cytidylate kinase (CK) (Cytidine monophosphate kinase) (CMP kinase) [Ensembl]. Cytidylate kinase [Interproscan]. cmk, BN171_2090004 0.84726059319822 14 CCL17182 ATP-dependent nuclease subunit B (ATP-dependent helicase addB), Superfamily 1 UvrD-family [Ensembl]. PD-(D/E)XK nuclease superfamily, Exodeoxyribonuclease V [Interproscan]. addB, BN171_1360004 0.8468810577031409 15 CCL17183 ATP-dependent nuclease subunit A (ATP-dependent helicase addA) [Ensembl]. addA, BN171_1360005 0.8460518871435615 16 CCL19044 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function DUF116 [Interproscan]. BN171_2830012 0.8411100939829915 17 CCL18970 Cellulose synthase catalytic subunit (UDP-forming) [Ensembl]. PilZ domain, Glycosyltransferase like family 2 [Interproscan]. bcsA, BN171_2780005 0.8319979090064644 28 CCL19211 D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase [Ensembl]. D-Tyr-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase [Interproscan]. dtd, BN171_2950013 0.8274599594616795 19 CCL17256 Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein [Ensembl]. Probable molybdopterin binding domain, MoeA N-terminal region (domain I and II) [Interproscan]. moeA, BN171_1410018 0.8232823057632466 20 CCL17477 Transcription elongation protein [Ensembl]. S1 RNA binding domain, NusA N-terminal domain, NusA-like KH domain [Interproscan]. nusA, BN171_1510019 0.8224468931209843 21 CCL17925 Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoaA [Ensembl]. Radical SAM superfamily, 4Fe-4S single cluster domain, Molybdenum Cofactor Synthesis C [Interproscan]. moaA, BN171_1950003 0.8131017000889669 22 CCL17659 ABC-type transport system, multidrug-family ATP-binding/permease [Ensembl]. ABC transporter transmembrane region, ABC transporter [Interproscan]. BN171_1650002 0.8084680170669414 23 CCL18967 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. SGNH hydrolase-like domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2780002 0.8071719672272546 26 CCL17487 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1520005 0.8071219127374123 25 CCL17011 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1080003 0.8060219932608431 26 CCL17427 Putative ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase [Ensembl]. ATP cone domain, Ribonucleotide reductase [Interproscan]. BN171_1500003 0.8045832798371158 55 CCL17475 DNA polymerase III PolC-type (PolIII) [Ensembl]. DNA polymerase III polC-type N-terminus I, DNA polymerase III polC-type N-terminus II, Bacterial DNA polymerase III alpha NTPase domain, Exonuclease, PHP domain, Helix-hairpin-helix motif, Bacterial DNA polymerase III alpha subunit finger domain [Interproscan]. dnaF, BN171_1510017 0.8037523818373646 34 CCL18969 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_2780004 0.7998434760860169 36 CCL17192 ABC-type transport system, multidrug-family ATP-binding protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1380003 0.7976499832286837 36 CCL18231 tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase [Ensembl]. IPP transferase [Interproscan]. miaA, BN171_2170018 0.7970428838350847 45 CCL19051 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF1732), YicC-like family [Interproscan]. BN171_2830019 0.7941105434575434 32 CCL17763 Putative dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. XdhC and CoxI family, XdhC Rossmann domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1770007 0.7919064415132928 33 CCL18968 Putative membrane-bound 0-ACYL transferase,MBOAT family [Ensembl]. BN171_2780003 0.7915306153235844 34 CCL18148 Putative dCMP deaminase [Ensembl]. BN171_2130005 0.7901673168922453 38 CCL19046 Peptide deformylase 2 (PDF 2) (Polypeptide deformylase 2 ) [Ensembl]. Polypeptide deformylase [Interproscan]. def, BN171_2830014 0.7876568519525865 36 CCL19052 Diaminopimelate epimerase (DAP epimerase) [Ensembl]. Diaminopimelate epimerase [Interproscan]. dapF, BN171_2830020 0.7866737126822447 37 CCL18232 DNA mismatch repair protein MutL [Ensembl]. MutL C terminal dimerisation domain, Histidine kinase-, DNA mismatch repair protein [Interproscan]. mutL, BN171_2170019 0.7856208862812772 52 CCL16987 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase [Ensembl]. Glycosyl hydrolase family 1 [Interproscan]. BN171_1060001 0.7846049964681332 39 CCL18552 Transcriptional regulator, HTH-type [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2420019 0.7843295338311251 40 CCL18982 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_2790011 0.7817514087970577 51 CCL16930 Cysteine desulfurase [Ensembl]. Aminotransferase class-V [Interproscan]. iscS, BN171_1010001 0.7800115321647 42 CCL17637 Dihydroneopterin aldolase [Ensembl]. Dihydroneopterin aldolase [Interproscan]. folB, BN171_1640027 0.7793446022090128 43 CCL17257 Molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein B [Ensembl]. Molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide synthesis protein B [Interproscan]. mobB, BN171_1410019 0.7788089293552659 44 CCL17622 putative sigma-54-dependent transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. BN171_1640012 0.7786765242781628 45 CCL18011 Putative CoA enzyme activase [Ensembl]. BadF/BadG/BcrA/BcrD ATPase family, 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA dehydratase, CoA enzyme activase uncharacterised domain (DUF2229) [Interproscan]. BN171_2010001 0.7780181092725447 46 CCL18899 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain, Sterol carrier protein domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2710004 0.7748000698681996 47 CCL17498 Protein RecA (Recombinase A) [Ensembl]. recA bacterial DNA recombination protein [Interproscan]. recA, BN171_1520016 0.7718297232350215 48 CCL17194 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1380005 0.7704347454677316 52 CCL17762 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Deacetylase PdaC, Protein of unknown function (DUF3298) [Interproscan]. BN171_1770006 0.7697820821536047 50 CCL17259 ABC-type transport system, multidrug-family ATP-binding/permease protein [Ensembl]. ABC transporter transmembrane region, ABC transporter [Interproscan]. BN171_1420002 0.7692974452678742 51 CCL18900 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Uncharacterised conserved protein (DUF2156) [Interproscan]. BN171_2710005 0.7655823051823966 52 CCL19209 Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [Ensembl]. Radical SAM superfamily [Interproscan]. hemZ, BN171_2950011 0.7654524293471204 55 CCL17638 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase [Ensembl]. 7 [Interproscan]. folK, BN171_1640028 0.7647155306529574 54 CCL17924 Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoaB [Ensembl]. Probable molybdopterin binding domain [Interproscan]. moaB, BN171_1950002 0.7588130379364926 55 CCL17365 Stage IV sporulation protein B, peptidase S55 family [Ensembl]. SpoIVB peptidase S55 [Interproscan]. spoIVB, BN171_1450026 0.7585741095991767 56 CCL19210 Putative hydrolase beta-lactamase-like [Ensembl]. Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily [Interproscan]. BN171_2950012 0.7574592409602802 57 CCL17926 Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoaC [Ensembl]. MoaC family [Interproscan]. moaC, BN171_1950004 0.7557489710069655 58 CCL17479 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family [Interproscan]. BN171_1510021 0.7553628376924432 59 CCL18202 Transcriptional regulator, AraC family [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2150016 0.7550162757241156 60 CCL17184 Nuclease SbcCD subunit D [Ensembl]. Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase [Interproscan]. sbcD, BN171_1360006 0.7544054400050026 61 CCL20701 Putative peptidase, U32 family [Ensembl]. Peptidase family U32, Collagenase [Interproscan]. BN171_950002 0.7511523796237688 62 CCL17196 Putative oligonucleotide binding protein possibly involved in recognition/discrimination or editing of prolyl-tRNA [Ensembl]. Aminoacyl-tRNA editing domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1380007 0.7497209960205667 63 CCL17429 Putative FMN-dependent dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. FMN-dependent dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. BN171_1500005 0.7491549137082544 64 CCL18981 Phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase (Pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase) [Ensembl]. Cytidylyltransferase-like [Interproscan]. coaD, BN171_2790010 0.7462424468136291 72 CCL20712 Putative radical SAM domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. Radical SAM superfamily, B12 binding domain, Protein of unknown function (DUF4080) [Interproscan]. BN171_960004 0.7458075421710416 86 CCL18233 DNA mismatch repair protein MutS [Ensembl]. MutS family domain IV, MutS domain III, MutS domain I, MutS domain V, MutS domain II [Interproscan]. mutS, BN171_2170020 0.7457753553372305 72 CCL19125 Putative signaling protein [Ensembl]. Diguanylate cyclase, EAL domain, Cache domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2870055 0.7447637704966948 68 CCL20672 Putative sodium:solute symporter [Ensembl]. Sodium:solute symporter family [Interproscan]. BN171_880008 0.744479395968571 69 CCL17181 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1360003 0.7427440161408114 70 CCL17482 Putative RNA-binding protein (fragment) [Ensembl]. DHH family [Interproscan]. BN171_1510024 0.7411834897902619 71 CCL16986 PTS system beta-glucoside-specific EIIBCA component (Includes: Beta-glucoside-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIB component ; Beta-glucoside permease IIC component ; Beta-glucoside-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIA component) [Ensembl]. phosphotransferase system, Phosphotransferase system, phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system [Interproscan]. bglP, BN171_1040003 0.7408178354371108 72 CCL17640 DNA primase [Ensembl]. DnaB-helicase binding domain of primase, Toprim-like, DNA primase catalytic core, CHC2 zinc finger [Interproscan]. dnaG, BN171_1640030 0.7407559542291826 73 CCL17193 ABC-type transport system, multidrug-family permease [Ensembl]. ABC-2 family transporter protein [Interproscan]. BN171_1380004 0.7393312379504554 74 CCL17428 Ribonuclease HII (RNase HII) [Ensembl]. Ribonuclease HII [Interproscan]. rnhB, BN171_1500004 0.7386347479074211 85 CCL18949 Regulatory protein RecX [Ensembl]. RecX family [Interproscan]. recX, BN171_2760005 0.7376265293750394 76 CCL17330 Fatty acid/phospholipid synthesis protein PlsX [Ensembl]. Fatty acid synthesis protein [Interproscan]. plsX, BN171_1440014 0.7374875405861891 90 CCL17185 Nuclease SbcCD subunit C [Ensembl]. Putative exonuclease SbcCD, AAA domain [Interproscan]. sbcC, BN171_1360007 0.7365935513577344 78 CCL17892 Putative binding protein [Ensembl]. DNA alkylation repair enzyme [Interproscan]. BN171_1930004 0.7351681677295029 79 CCL18965 Coenzyme A disulfide reductase [Ensembl]. Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase [Interproscan]. BN171_2770016 0.728472634942469 80 CCL16988 Transcription antiterminator, PTS operon regulator [Ensembl]. PRD domain, CAT RNA binding domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1060002 0.7268161701529884 81 CCL17639 Phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyheptonate aldolase [Ensembl]. DAHP synthetase I family [Interproscan]. aroF, BN171_1640029 0.7255346343185399 82 CCL18023 Putative lipoprotein [Ensembl]. BN171_2030009 0.7221013710236737 83 CCL19043 Putative metal-dependent peptidase [Ensembl]. Putative neutral zinc metallopeptidase [Interproscan]. BN171_2830011 0.7198146378230607 84 CCL17636 Dihydropteroate synthase [Ensembl]. folP, BN171_1640026 0.7190049731019237 85 CCL17484 tRNA pseudouridine synthase B [Ensembl]. TruB family pseudouridylate synthase (N terminal domain), tRNA pseudouridylate synthase B C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. truB, BN171_1520002 0.7171022633212867 86 CCL16931 Thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiI [Ensembl]. thiI, BN171_1010002 0.7153899381460818 87 CCL19229 Putative signaling protein [Ensembl]. Diguanylate cyclase, EAL domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2970008 0.7151034357852318 88 CCL18958 ABC-type transport system, permease [Ensembl]. FtsX-like permease family [Interproscan]. BN171_2770009 0.7126501915145036 91 CCL17481 Ribosome-binding factor A [Ensembl]. Ribosome-binding factor A [Interproscan]. rbfA, BN171_1510023 0.7109830892805589 92 CCL18025 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. HAMP domain, His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. BN171_2030011 0.7107141485623819 94 CCL18007 Putative lipoprotein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF4624) [Interproscan]. BN171_2000010 0.7076195724216039 95 CCL19353 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. Cyclin M transmembrane N-terminal domain, CBS domain, Transporter associated domain [Interproscan]. BN171_3070019 0.7076097531202156 96 CCL18022 Putative methylase [Ensembl]. Putative RNA methylase family UPF0020, THUMP domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2030008 0.7073275688143736 97 CCL18192 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase subunit [Ensembl]. accC, BN171_2150006 0.7030611956930708 99