Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCP43539 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Luciferase-like monooxygenase [Interproscan]. Rv0791c 0.921036253145535 2 CCP45715 Possible D-amino acid aminohydrolase (D-amino acid hydrolase) [Ensembl]. Amidohydrolase family [Interproscan]. Rv2913c 0.8758641459777934 3 CCP43538 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Transglutaminase-like superfamily [Interproscan]. Rv0790c 0.8698416429398399 3 CCP43397 Probable dioxygenase [Ensembl]. Retinal pigment epithelial membrane protein [Interproscan]. Rv0654 0.8595836860464005 4 CCP45714 Probable transcriptional regulatory protein (probably TetR-family) [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. Rv2912c 0.8588613677993235 5 CCP44809 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Mycothiol maleylpyruvate isomerase N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. Rv2036 0.7678281598574112 6 CCP44808 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Activator of Hsp90 ATPase homolog 1-like protein [Interproscan]. Rv2035 0.7263402812113741 7 CCP43325 Conserved hypothetical integral membrane protein YrbE2A [Ensembl]. Permease MlaE [Interproscan]. yrbE2A, Rv0587 0.7238215364442976 8 CCP43515 Probable aldehyde dehydrogenase NAD dependent AldA (aldehyde dehydrogenase [NAD+]) [Ensembl]. Aldehyde dehydrogenase family [Interproscan]. aldA, Rv0768 0.7234715977361623 9 CCP43499 Probable methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase MmsA (methylmalonic acid semialdehyde dehydrogenase) (MMSDH) [Ensembl]. Aldehyde dehydrogenase family [Interproscan]. mmsA, Rv0753c 0.6929923097483268 10 CCP43114 Probable endopeptidase ATP binding protein (chain B) ClpB (ClpB protein) (heat shock protein F84.1) [Ensembl]. C-terminal, AAA lid domain, Clp amino terminal domain, AAA domain (Cdc48 subfamily), ATPase family associated with various cellular activities (AAA) [Interproscan]. clpB, Rv0384c 0.6867926063230159 11 CCP43324 Probable transcriptional regulatory protein Mce2R (GntR-family) [Ensembl]. FCD domain, Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. mce2R, Rv0586 0.6780831332497118 12 CCP43061 Possible dehydrogenase/reductase [Ensembl]. Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase [Interproscan]. Rv0331 0.6686408125827332 13 CCP43512 Probable oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. short chain dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. Rv0765c 0.6527105696829446 14 CCP43513 Probable cytochrome P450 123 Cyp123 [Ensembl]. Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. cyp123, Rv0766c 0.6458565551328967 15 CCP46337 Fatty-acid-CoA ligase FadD19 (fatty-acid-CoA synthetase) (fatty-acid-CoA synthase) [Ensembl]. fadD19, Rv3515c 0.6350627929689289 23 CCP46352 Possible oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase [Interproscan]. Rv3530c 0.6281506828041044 18 CCP45310 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv2516c 0.605479975523929 18 CCP46351 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Sulfotransferase family [Interproscan]. Rv3529c 0.5865460731318405 37 CCP46367 Probable cytochrome P450 125 Cyp125 [Ensembl]. Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. cyp125, Rv3545c 0.5826286094063456 20 CCP46397 Transcriptional regulatory protein KstR (probably TetR-family) [Ensembl]. Tetracyclin repressor-like, Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. kstR, Rv3574 0.5819763491543873 21 CCP43924 PPE family protein PPE17 [Ensembl]. PPE family, Polymorphic PE/PPE proteins C terminal [Interproscan]. PPE17, Rv1168c 0.5777955729419011 22 CCP46368 Probable acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase FadA5 (acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase) [Ensembl]. Thiolase [Interproscan]. fadA5, Rv3546 0.5597724656713196 23 CCP43498 Probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase FadE9 [Ensembl]. Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. fadE9, Rv0752c 0.5556976527305842 24 CCP43541 Possible monooxygenase [Ensembl]. Antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase [Interproscan]. Rv0793 0.5513124489489365 25 CCP43058 Possible transcriptional regulatory protein (possibly TetR/AcrR-family) [Ensembl]. Rv0328 0.5420699236278281 26 CCP44661 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Nitronate monooxygenase [Interproscan]. Rv1894c 0.5409452513607897 27 CCP43740 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. SAF domain [Interproscan]. Rv0990c 0.527721313743068 28 CCP46393 Possible oxidoreductase. Possible 3-hydroxy-9,10-seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione hydroxylase. [Ensembl]. hsaA, Rv3570c 0.5117661069741991 29 CCP46359 Probable dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. FAD binding domain [Interproscan]. kstD, Rv3537 0.5056647011026054 49 CCP42980 Heat shock protein Hsp (heat-stress-induced ribosome-binding protein A) [Ensembl]. Hsp20/alpha crystallin family [Interproscan]. hsp, Rv0251c 0.5024906478167049 32 CCP43511 Cytochrome P450 51 Cyp51 (CYPL1) (P450-L1A1) (sterol 14-alpha demethylase) (lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase) (P450-14DM) [Ensembl]. Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. cyp51, Rv0764c 0.49811945646663913 33 CCP44662 Possible dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. Zinc-binding dehydrogenase, Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain [Interproscan]. Rv1895 0.49418794973426594 34 CCP46358 Probable hydratase [Ensembl]. Fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase family [Interproscan]. hsaE, Rv3536c 0.4785392933510826 35 CCP45863 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. NADPH-dependent FMN reductase [Interproscan]. Rv3054c 0.4774910461961524 36 CCP46353 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv3531c 0.4711416328402859 37 CCP43326 Conserved hypothetical integral membrane protein YrbE2B [Ensembl]. Permease MlaE [Interproscan]. yrbE2B, Rv0588 0.46986989501556015 38 CCP46089 Probable metal cation-transporting P-type ATPase C CtpC [Ensembl]. E1-E2 ATPase, haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. ctpC, Rv3270 0.4688882723500424 39 CCP44501 Hypothetical membrane protein [Ensembl]. Voltage-dependent anion channel [Interproscan]. Rv1735c 0.4643841484648036 40 CCP46356 Probable 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase (HOA) [Ensembl]. HMGL-like, DmpG-like communication domain [Interproscan]. hsaF, Rv3534c 0.458911972069015 51 CCP45422 Universal stress protein family protein [Ensembl]. Universal stress protein family [Interproscan]. Rv2624c 0.4546733205812807 47 CCP46348 Oxygenase component of 3-ketosteroid-9-alpha-hydroxylase KshA [Ensembl]. kshA, Rv3526 0.44238745728332673 44 CCP44570 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF732) [Interproscan]. Rv1804c 0.4417766763156884 45 CCP43717 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1490) [Interproscan]. Rv0968 0.44005122162702687 46 CCP43510 Possible ferredoxin [Ensembl]. 4Fe-4S single cluster domain [Interproscan]. Rv0763c 0.42719870087306805 49 CCP44500 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. 2-oxoacid dehydrogenases acyltransferase (catalytic domain) [Interproscan]. Rv1734c 0.4178174404527134 50 CCP46088 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1490) [Interproscan]. Rv3269 0.41324888616406463 52 CCP42913 Metallothionein, MymT [Ensembl]. mymT, Rv0186A 0.407327441410636 54 CCP43925 PE family protein. Possible lipase LipX. [Ensembl]. PE family [Interproscan]. lipX, Rv1169c 0.4054022081772128 55 CCP46228 Probable dioxygenase [Ensembl]. Taurine catabolism dioxygenase TauD [Interproscan]. Rv3406 0.40399601089442166 56 CCP44041 Probable sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 2 CysD [Ensembl]. Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase family [Interproscan]. cysD, Rv1285 0.4030380988194017 57 CCP43080 Probable chaperone protein DnaK (heat shock protein 70) (heat shock 70 kDa protein) (HSP70) [Ensembl]. Hsp70 protein [Interproscan]. dnaK, Rv0350 0.39513373800663043 59 CCP46392 4,9-DHSA hydrolase [Ensembl]. alpha/beta hydrolase fold [Interproscan]. hsaD, Rv3569c 0.38233424821660245 61 CCP45630 Possible toxin VapC22 [Ensembl]. PIN domain [Interproscan]. vapC22, Rv2829c 0.37934970999648876 63 CCP46662 Transcriptional regulatory protein (probably AraC-family) [Ensembl]. Cupin domain, Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. Rv3833 0.3767305113553469 75 CCP46240 10 kDa chaperonin GroES (protein CPN10) (protein GroES) (BCG-a heat shock protein) (10 kDa antigen) [Ensembl]. groES, Rv3418c 0.37628488235878077 67 CCP45428 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Archease protein family (MTH1598/TM1083) [Interproscan]. Rv2630 0.37417102068793623 68 CCP45767 Probable integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. Predicted permease [Interproscan]. Rv2963 0.3724738443302778 77 CCP45504 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv2706c 0.3711439232166666 70 CCP44012 Probable cytochrome P450 130 Cyp130 [Ensembl]. Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. cyp130, Rv1256c 0.3678684441859012 74 CCP44807 ArsR repressor protein [Ensembl]. Rv2034 0.36526438087179625 75 CCP46239 60 kDa chaperonin 1 GroEL1 (protein CPN60-1) (GroEL protein 1) [Ensembl]. TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family [Interproscan]. groEL1, Rv3417c 0.36354858382499255 76 CCP46366 Probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase FadE28 [Ensembl]. Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. fadE28, Rv3544c 0.3588281210399054 78 CCP44042 Probable bifunctional enzyme CysN/CysC: sulfate adenyltransferase (subunit 1) + adenylylsulfate kinase [Ensembl]. Adenylylsulphate kinase, Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain [Interproscan]. cysN, Rv1286 0.353020015073567 79 CCP45298 Probable succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase (alpha subunit) ScoA (3-oxo acid:CoA transferase) (OXCT A) (succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid-coenzyme A transferase) [Ensembl]. Coenzyme A transferase [Interproscan]. scoA, Rv2504c 0.3463514467784648 83 CCP45427 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial archaeo-eukaryotic release factor family 2 [Interproscan]. Rv2629 0.3438197200557493 85 CCP44723 Possible toxin HigB [Ensembl]. Phage derived protein Gp49-like (DUF891) [Interproscan]. higB, Rv1955 0.3375897642962891 88 CCP45259 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. DSBA-like thioredoxin domain [Interproscan]. Rv2466c 0.32883747485688164 92