Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCP44657 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv1890c 0.7457937596882522 25 CCP44957 Probable conserved integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. Rv2180c 0.7420965830872678 3 CCP43303 Probable monooxygenase [Ensembl]. Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like [Interproscan]. Rv0565c 0.7346585948356049 44 CCP45117 Probable lipoprotein LppP [Ensembl]. lppP, Rv2330c 0.7181868552427538 18 CCP44772 Unknown protein [Ensembl]. NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain [Interproscan]. Rv2000 0.7152776932445125 33 CCP43858 Possible para-nitrobenzyl esterase (fragment) [Ensembl]. Carboxylesterase family [Interproscan]. Rv1105 0.7106811244119204 72 CCP45554 Possible type I restriction/modification system specificity determinant (fragment) HsdS.1 (S protein) [Ensembl]. hsdS.1, Rv2755c 0.6985941913275155 71 CCP46625 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Beta-lactamase superfamily domain, Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily [Interproscan]. Rv3796 0.6953733387308082 34 CCP45805 Probable conserved lipoprotein LppY [Ensembl]. Domain of Unknown Function (DUF1259) [Interproscan]. lppY, Rv2999 0.6946695369714547 90 CCP46179 Toxin RelK [Ensembl]. relK, Rv3358 0.6895485151450752 60 CCP43064 Alpha-D-glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase RmlA (dTDP-glucose synthase) (dTDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) [Ensembl]. Nucleotidyl transferase [Interproscan]. rmlA, Rv0334 0.6665419732046707 68 CCP45488 Probable conserved integral membrane alanine and valine and leucine rich protein [Ensembl]. Rv2690c 0.6622877486414458 40 CCP45404 Probable pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase PdxH (PNP/PMP oxidase) (pyridoxinephosphate oxidase) (PNPOX) (pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase) [Ensembl]. Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase, Pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase C-terminal dimerisation region [Interproscan]. pdxH, Rv2607 0.660519723231475 36 CCP44956 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv2179c 0.653644187911039 44 CCP43190 Probable peptidase [Ensembl]. Prolyl oligopeptidase family [Interproscan]. Rv0457c 0.6524560403355172 63 CCP45076 Probable aminotransferase [Ensembl]. Aminotransferase class I and II [Interproscan]. Rv2294 0.6394542158726909 71 CCP45048 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Sulfotransferase family [Interproscan]. Rv2267c 0.638512182487692 87 CCP44516 Possible fatty-acid-CoA ligase FadD1 (fatty-acid-CoA synthetase) (fatty-acid-CoA synthase) [Ensembl]. AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. fadD1, Rv1750c 0.6374065254057741 63 CCP44853 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv2078 0.6314398229966427 68 CCP46130 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv3311 0.6302703181012628 70 CCP46221 Possible S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase [Ensembl]. Leucine carboxyl methyltransferase [Interproscan]. Rv3399 0.6298316714673667 99 CCP43739 Probable polyprenyl-diphosphate synthase GrcC2 (polyprenyl pyrophosphate synthetase) [Ensembl]. Polyprenyl synthetase [Interproscan]. grcC2, Rv0989c 0.6297818894632575 72 CCP44320 Possible regulatory protein [Ensembl]. Tetracyclin repressor-like, Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. Rv1556 0.6258424494970853 82 CCP44405 Lysyl-tRNA synthetase 2 LysX [Ensembl]. lysX, Rv1640c 0.6231907267943771 88 CCP44251 Probable membrane protein [Ensembl]. Rv1490 0.6175140217347905 95 CCP45055 Possible toxin MazF8 [Ensembl]. mazF8, Rv2274c 0.6150274438315864 98