Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCP45550 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Leucine carboxyl methyltransferase [Interproscan]. Rv2751 0.6904750527313767 2 CCP44179 Probable excinuclease ABC (subunit C-nuclease) UvrC [Ensembl]. uvrC, Rv1420 0.6816748949917132 4 CCP45551 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv2752c 0.6450248673789467 11 CCP46518 Possible conserved transmembrane protein [Ensembl]. Stage II sporulation protein M [Interproscan]. Rv3694c 0.6447986767972201 4 CCP43530 Possible multidrug resistance integral membrane efflux protein EmrB [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. emrB, Rv0783c 0.6324003064795225 13 CCP45270 Probable NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase Gdh (NAD-Gdh) (NAD-dependent glutamic dehydrogenase) [Ensembl]. Bacterial NAD-glutamate dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. gdh, Rv2476c 0.6226579424035701 31 CCP44448 Possible bifunctional enzyme; long-chain acyl-CoA synthase and lipase. [Ensembl]. AMP-binding enzyme, Alpha/beta hydrolase family [Interproscan]. Rv1683 0.6170242421522164 7 CCP45407 Alpha-mannosyltransferase PimA [Ensembl]. Glycosyltransferase Family 4, Glycosyl transferases group 1 [Interproscan]. pimA, Rv2610c 0.6052465321061701 40 CCP44050 Diaminopimelate decarboxylase LysA (DAP decarboxylase) [Ensembl]. lysA, Rv1293 0.6035686536375245 16 CCP43875 Probable glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase Zwf1 (G6PD) [Ensembl]. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. zwf1, Rv1121 0.5989023554496127 12 CCP45018 Probable peroxiredoxin AhpE [Ensembl]. AhpC/TSA family [Interproscan]. ahpE, Rv2238c 0.5969794676710419 26 CCP44084 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme GlgB (glycogen branching enzyme) [Ensembl]. Alpha amylase, Carbohydrate-binding module 48 (Isoamylase N-terminal domain) [Interproscan]. glgB, Rv1326c 0.5958613955226513 20 CCP45410 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv2613c 0.5872971613348899 60 CCP43536 Probable phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase I PURG (FGAM synthase I) [Ensembl]. purQ, Rv0788 0.5812542332280033 15 CCP44373 Anthranilate synthase component I TrpE (glutamine amidotransferase) [Ensembl]. trpE, Rv1609 0.5679834351364782 51 CCP46449 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Zincin-like metallopeptidase [Interproscan]. Rv3626c 0.5656382878739504 35 CCP45241 Probable valyl-tRNA synthase protein ValS (valyl-tRNA synthetase) (valine--tRNA ligase) (valine translase) [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetases class I (I, Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA, Valyl tRNA synthetase tRNA binding arm [Interproscan]. valS, Rv2448c 0.5634383456891422 42 CCP45661 Probable glutamine synthetase GlnA4 (glutamine synthase) (GS-II) [Ensembl]. Glutamine synthetase [Interproscan]. glnA4, Rv2860c 0.5630977505824778 45 CCP43525 Possible cytochrome P450 126 Cyp126 [Ensembl]. Cytochrome P450 [Interproscan]. cyp126, Rv0778 0.5627175748642784 41 CCP45482 Probable arsenic-transport integral membrane protein ArsA [Ensembl]. Citrate transporter [Interproscan]. arsA, Rv2684 0.562082672512906 68 CCP46083 D-alpha-D-mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase ManB (D-alpha-D-heptose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase) [Ensembl]. manB, Rv3264c 0.560701929266034 45 CCP44183 Possible membrane protein [Ensembl]. Rv1424c 0.5605455373873474 24 CCP46218 Probable GMP synthase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] GuaA (glutamine amidotransferase) (GMP synthetase) [Ensembl]. guaA, Rv3396c 0.5593586350459508 69 CCP45653 Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase Mqo (malate dehydrogenase [acceptor]) [Ensembl]. Malate:quinone oxidoreductase (Mqo) [Interproscan]. mqo, Rv2852c 0.5587217479138404 26 CCP44696 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv1929c 0.5563987580465074 27 CCP43231 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv0496 0.553237060638298 29 CCP46546 Possible fatty acid synthase [Ensembl]. Mycolic acid cyclopropane synthetase [Interproscan]. Rv3720 0.5491977550842314 32 CCP45382 Probable protein-export membrane protein SecF [Ensembl]. SecD/SecF GG Motif, Protein export membrane protein [Interproscan]. secF, Rv2586c 0.5448971051052963 33 CCP42852 Maltokinase Mak [Ensembl]. Maltokinase N-terminal cap domain [Interproscan]. mak, Rv0127 0.5443086290330635 34 CCP44442 Probable conserved lipoprotein DsbF [Ensembl]. dsbF, Rv1677 0.5418661342986197 35 CCP44441 Unknown protein [Ensembl]. Rv1676 0.5400913784869257 36 CCP43895 Probable integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. CPBP intramembrane metalloprotease [Interproscan]. Rv1140 0.5398867490940059 40 CCP44465 NUDIX hydrolase [Ensembl]. Rv1700 0.5398562559175595 38 CCP46736 Probable poly(A) polymerase PcnA (polynucleotide adenylyltransferase) (NTP polymerase) (RNA adenylating enzyme) (poly(A) polymerase) [Ensembl]. pcnA, Rv3907c 0.5362444203854299 97 CCP43638 Probable transcriptional regulatory protein (probably LuxR-family) [Ensembl]. Rv0890c 0.53324223775353 74 CCP43406 Possible arylsulfatase AtsD (aryl-sulfate sulphohydrolase) (arylsulphatase) [Ensembl]. Sulfatase [Interproscan]. atsD, Rv0663 0.5253106412587277 47 CCP44368 Probable inositol-monophosphatase ImpA (imp) [Ensembl]. Inositol monophosphatase family [Interproscan]. impA, Rv1604 0.5249357783932405 72 CCP44052 Threonine synthase ThrC (ts) [Ensembl]. Pyridoxal-phosphate dependent enzyme [Interproscan]. thrC, Rv1295 0.5225521758134568 49 CCP44513 Probable conserved transmembrane ATP-binding protein ABC transporter [Ensembl]. FHA domain, ABC transporter, ABC-2 type transporter [Interproscan]. Rv1747 0.5222929311174772 69 CCP44940 Probable penicillin-binding membrane protein PbpB [Ensembl]. Penicillin-binding Protein dimerisation domain, Penicillin binding protein transpeptidase domain [Interproscan]. pbpB, Rv2163c 0.5220046834187128 47 CCP44305 Possible lipoprotein LprI [Ensembl]. Lysozyme inhibitor LprI, Membrane-bound lysozyme-inhibitor of c-type lysozyme [Interproscan]. lprI, Rv1541c 0.5203062342348297 94 CCP43225 Two component sensory transduction protein RegX3 (transcriptional regulatory protein) (probably LuxR-family) [Ensembl]. Transcriptional regulatory protein, Response regulator receiver domain [Interproscan]. regX3, Rv0491 0.5196587347205297 49 CCP45269 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv2475c 0.5193313855306626 51 CCP44629 Probable conserved integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. CPBP intramembrane metalloprotease [Interproscan]. Rv1863c 0.5191150640052342 52 CCP44978 Probable asparagine synthetase AsnB [Ensembl]. Asparagine synthase, Glutamine amidotransferase domain [Interproscan]. asnB, Rv2201 0.5176924328088655 53 CCP45403 Possible pyridoxine biosynthesis protein SnzP [Ensembl]. SOR/SNZ family [Interproscan]. snzP, Rv2606c 0.5174931282887459 54 CCP45402 Probable acyl-CoA thioesterase II TesB2 (TEII) [Ensembl]. tesB2, Rv2605c 0.517469048475571 60 CCP43751 Probable arginine deiminase ArcA (adi) (ad) (arginine dihydrolase) [Ensembl]. Amidinotransferase [Interproscan]. arcA, Rv1001 0.5151303251543099 56 CCP44958 Alpha(1->2)mannosyltransferase [Ensembl]. Glycosyltransferase family 87 [Interproscan]. Rv2181 0.5150847488294076 58 CCP44517 Probable oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. FAD binding domain [Interproscan]. Rv1751 0.5053121801189849 96 CCP44690 Probable lipase LipD [Ensembl]. lipD, Rv1923 0.5008797729515333 60 CCP44496 Possible penicillin-binding protein [Ensembl]. Rv1730c 0.500694916803575 88 CCP46319 Mce-family protein Mce4C [Ensembl]. mce4C, Rv3497c 0.49956686151651664 63 CCP43820 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Alpha/beta-hydrolase family N-terminus [Interproscan]. Rv1069c 0.4992550663112919 89 CCP46645 Possible acyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acyltransferase [Interproscan]. Rv3816c 0.49346310712496827 65 CCP43757 Methionyl-tRNA synthetase MetS (MetRS) (methionine--tRNA ligase) [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetases class I (M) [Interproscan]. metS, Rv1007c 0.49259432501595146 67 CCP44366 Probable amidotransferase HisH [Ensembl]. Glutamine amidotransferase class-I [Interproscan]. hisH, Rv1602 0.4908579599195892 71 CCP43375 Possible glyoxalase II (hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase) (GLX II) [Ensembl]. Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily [Interproscan]. Rv0634c 0.49046889884680256 72 CCP45230 Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase NadE (NAD(+) synthase [glutamine-hydrolysing]) [Ensembl]. NAD synthase, Carbon-nitrogen hydrolase [Interproscan]. nadE, Rv2438c 0.48862091960136395 73 CCP45489 TRK system potassium uptake protein CeoB [Ensembl]. TrkA-C domain, TrkA-N domain [Interproscan]. ceoB, Rv2691 0.4878093278916739 76 CCP43985 Probable Mrp-related protein Mrp [Ensembl]. NUBPL iron-transfer P-loop NTPase, Iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein [Interproscan]. mrp, Rv1229c 0.48706847479398235 96 CCP46245 Alanine racemase Alr [Ensembl]. alr, Rv3423c 0.48346534351472975 91 CCP44643 Probable conserved integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. Rv1877 0.4825874581977778 79 CCP45774 Probable lipase/esterase LipN [Ensembl]. alpha/beta hydrolase fold [Interproscan]. lipN, Rv2970c 0.47888554919129955 83 CCP45833 Cysteine desulfurase IscS (NIFS protein homolog) (nitrogenase metalloclusters biosynthesis protein NIFS) [Ensembl]. Aminotransferase class-V [Interproscan]. iscS, Rv3025c 0.4727725133199898 92 CCP44370 Probable phosphoribosyl-AMP 1,6 cyclohydrolase HisI [Ensembl]. Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [Interproscan]. hisI, Rv1606 0.47085521559859184 98 CCP43659 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv0911 0.46746928116877207 96 CCP45148 Unknown protein [Ensembl]. Rv2360c 0.46402693955794727 100