Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCP45771 Probable pyruvate carboxylase Pca (pyruvic carboxylase) [Ensembl]. pca, Rv2967c 0.6731643263385374 5 CCP46514 Probable conserved membrane protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF4129) [Interproscan]. Rv3690 0.6251896534393259 3 CCP46513 Probable conserved transmembrane protein [Ensembl]. Rv3689 0.6228321637296138 6 CCP45666 Possible penicillin-binding lipoprotein [Ensembl]. NTF2-like N-terminal transpeptidase domain, Penicillin binding protein transpeptidase domain [Interproscan]. Rv2864c 0.5849342767151194 21 CCP43773 Probable enolase Eno [Ensembl]. eno, Rv1023 0.582112489448845 10 CCP46316 Mce-family protein Mce4F [Ensembl]. MlaD protein [Interproscan]. mce4F, Rv3494c 0.572387528257556 12 CCP43062 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv0332 0.5712812334109534 32 CCP44626 Alanine and proline rich secreted protein Apa (fibronectin attachment protein) (immunogenic protein MPT32) (antigen MPT-32) (45-kDa glycoprotein) (45/47 kDa antigen) [Ensembl]. Fibronectin-attachment protein (FAP) [Interproscan]. apa, Rv1860 0.5559156904272439 19 CCP44859 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Rv2084 0.5492758260640069 21 CCP44039 Probable oligopeptide-transport integral membrane protein ABC transporter OppB [Ensembl]. Binding-protein-dependent transport system inner membrane component [Interproscan]. oppB, Rv1283c 0.5451400360068972 21 CCP43124 Possible secreted protein [Ensembl]. Rv0394c 0.5358012743493187 36 CCP43991 Probable sugar-binding lipoprotein LpqY [Ensembl]. Bacterial extracellular solute-binding protein [Interproscan]. lpqY, Rv1235 0.5257951187794335 98 CCP46515 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF4350) [Interproscan]. Rv3691 0.5247341778976086 35 CCP42816 Probable bifunctional MTA/SAH nucleosidase Mtn: 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase (methylthioadenosine methylthioribohydrolase) + S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase (S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine homocysteinylribohydrolase) [Ensembl]. Phosphorylase superfamily [Interproscan]. mtn, Rv0091 0.522727646424153 68 CCP45200 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Transglutaminase-like superfamily, Bacterial transglutaminase-like N-terminal region [Interproscan]. Rv2409c 0.5153089491512445 40 CCP43775 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF501) [Interproscan]. Rv1025 0.5039465192417938 48 CCP43256 Possible conserved membrane protein [Ensembl]. Putative esterase [Interproscan]. Rv0519c 0.49842436192943784 53 CCP43139 Probable phosphate acetyltransferase Pta (phosphotransacetylase) [Ensembl]. AAA domain, DRTGG domain, Phosphate acetyl/butaryl transferase [Interproscan]. pta, Rv0408 0.4957465507742856 58 CCP46318 Mce-family protein Mce4D [Ensembl]. MlaD protein, Cholesterol uptake porter CUP1 of Mce4 [Interproscan]. mce4D, Rv3496c 0.49438323381080196 56 CCP45279 Probable carboxylesterase LipQ [Ensembl]. alpha/beta hydrolase fold [Interproscan]. lipQ, Rv2485c 0.4860134782921107 58 CCP43880 Conserved protein [Ensembl]. Rv1126c 0.485511501105785 82 CCP44414 Probable phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha chain PheS [Ensembl]. Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase class II, tRNA synthetases class II core domain (F) [Interproscan]. pheS, Rv1649 0.48491753059575243 62 CCP44205 Putative OXPP cycle protein OpcA [Ensembl]. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit [Interproscan]. opcA, Rv1446c 0.4834344287124463 64 CCP42928 Possible conserved transmembrane protein [Ensembl]. Rv0200 0.4833376056419969 72 CCP45411 Probable threonyl-tRNA synthetase ThrS (threonine-tRNA synthetase)(ThrRS) (threonine-tRNA ligase) [Ensembl]. Anticodon binding domain, tRNA synthetase class II core domain (G, Threonyl and Alanyl tRNA synthetase second additional domain [Interproscan]. thrS, Rv2614c 0.4823680979048803 72 CCP44308 Possible ketoacyl reductase [Ensembl]. short chain dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. Rv1544 0.4781173660646354 75 CCP46319 Mce-family protein Mce4C [Ensembl]. mce4C, Rv3497c 0.47558114401027146 84 CCP44036 Probable periplasmic oligopeptide-binding lipoprotein OppA [Ensembl]. Bacterial extracellular solute-binding proteins [Interproscan]. oppA, Rv1280c 0.47229151287917 83 CCP44186 Possible long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase FadD12 (fatty-acid-CoA synthetase) (fatty-acid-CoA synthase) [Ensembl]. AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. fadD12, Rv1427c 0.47186231173395626 85 CCP46302 Possible triacylglycerol synthase (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1298), Wax ester synthase-like Acyl-CoA acyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. Rv3480c 0.46998228874503417 86