Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAL19240 putative inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. Rap1a immunity proteins [Interproscan]. STM0283 0.9803642660406844 1 AAL19237 putative outer membrane lipoprotein [Ensembl]. STM0280 0.9788891697869414 2 AAL19230 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Type VI secretion protein [Interproscan]. STM0274 0.971199120162711 3 AAL19257 putative fimbriae assembly chaparone [Ensembl]. Pili assembly chaperone PapD, Pili and flagellar-assembly chaperone [Interproscan]. STM0300, safB 0.9654638906891144 4 AAL19258 putative fimbriae usher [Ensembl]. PapC N-terminal domain, PapC C-terminal domain, Outer membrane usher protein [Interproscan]. STM0301, safC 0.9532696444068752 5 AAL22894 putative dicarboxylate-binding periplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial extracellular solute-binding protein [Interproscan]. STM4054 0.9523186113400548 65 AAL19254 putative transposase [Ensembl]. Transposase [Interproscan]. STM0297 0.9489907130873034 7 AAL22466 putative transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. STM3606, yhjB 0.9466748969201767 38 AAL19247 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. DcrB [Interproscan]. STM0290 0.9463791657145275 9 AAL19244 putative periplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria (DUF2195) [Interproscan]. STM0287 0.9431591591295819 10 AAL19239 putative outer membrane protein, OmpA family [Ensembl]. OmpA family, Type VI secretion system protein DotU [Interproscan]. STM0282 0.9425662809847415 11 AAL22721 putative permease [Ensembl]. Inhibitor of apoptosis-promoting Bax1 [Interproscan]. STM3863 0.9383007207634484 62 AAL19229 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Type VI secretion system [Interproscan]. STM0273 0.9364393968157 14 AAL19027 putative modifier of citrate lyase protein [Ensembl]. ATP:dephospho-CoA triphosphoribosyl transferase [Interproscan]. STM0063, citG2 0.9356100655687323 31 AAL22893 putative C4-dicarboxylate transport system [Ensembl]. Tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporters [Interproscan]. STM4053 0.9352433422017534 83 AAL22125 putative fructose/tagatose biphosphate aldolase [Ensembl]. Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase class-II [Interproscan]. STM3253 0.9349551836402422 68 AAL23133 putative periplasmic or exported protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF1996) [Interproscan]. STM4309 0.93246844629141 86 AAL19108 prelipin peptidase dependent protein [Ensembl]. Prokaryotic N-terminal methylation motif [Interproscan]. STM0144, ppdD 0.9318857739120835 84 AAL21852 L-1,2-propanediol oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. STM2973, fucO 0.9315562593065914 23 AAL22861 putative aldolase [Ensembl]. DeoC/LacD family aldolase [Interproscan]. STM4022, yihT 0.9311709714262039 74 AAL21191 putative MFS family transport protein [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. STM2290, yfaV 0.927125265215495 74 AAL19259 putative fimbriae subunit [Ensembl]. Enterobacteria AfaD invasin protein [Interproscan]. STM0302, safD 0.9257757248190247 77 AAL22351 putative inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. DNA utilization proteins HofP [Interproscan]. STM3489, yrfA 0.9253616250601412 88 AAL19243 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. TagF N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. STM0286 0.9248436072974487 36 AAL21894 putative pectin degrading enzyme [Ensembl]. STM3018, kduI 0.923265252537504 81 AAL22530 putative transporter [Ensembl]. Tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporters [Interproscan]. STM3671, yiaM 0.9191860184406387 85 AAL20075 putative curli production protein [Ensembl]. Thin aggregative fimbriae synthesis protein [Interproscan]. STM1145, csgC 0.9188876313214737 61 AAL22851 putative coproporphyrinogen III oxidase and related FeS oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. HemN C-terminal domain, Radical SAM superfamily [Interproscan]. STM4012 0.9161744896909355 75 AAL19950 Gifsy-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial protein of unknown function (DUF977) [Interproscan]. STM1016 0.9154152136637272 50 AAL21518 Gifsy-1 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial protein of unknown function (DUF977) [Interproscan]. STM2624 0.9154152136637272 51 AAL19255 putative integrase core domain protein [Ensembl]. Integrase core domain [Interproscan]. STM0298 0.9128785540448715 53 AAL22520 D-xylose isomerase [Ensembl]. STM3661, xylA 0.9119776632971877 68 AAL21615 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2729 0.9113561274342555 57 AAL20040 4-hydroxyphenylacetate catabolism protein [Ensembl]. Cupin domain, Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. STM1108, hpaA 0.9101813063354692 81 AAL19050 CPA2 family K+ efflux antiporter, glutathione-regulated [Ensembl]. TrkA-N domain, Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family [Interproscan]. STM0086, kefC 0.9082418334627289 91 AAL20212 arylsulfatase regulator [Ensembl]. Radical SAM superfamily, 4Fe-4S single cluster domain, Iron-sulfur cluster-binding domain [Interproscan]. STM1287 0.9074925323540773 68 AAL21990 putative inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF554) [Interproscan]. STM3115, yqgA 0.9031832603612766 74 AAL21277 putative periplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF3828) [Interproscan]. STM2376 0.9009260748252291 95 AAL19246 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Phage late control gene D protein (GPD) [Interproscan]. STM0289 0.9005994360619326 81 AAL21600 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2713 0.8994707917744366 83 AAL21609 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Terminase-like family, Terminase RNaseH-like domain, Putative ATPase subunit of terminase (gpP-like) [Interproscan]. STM2722 0.897300613356994 91 AAL21604 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage Tail Protein X [Interproscan]. STM2717 0.8949834762761991 96