Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAL19547 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase [Ensembl]. AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. STM0596, entE 0.9640859408510425 1 AAL19536 outer membrane porin, receptor for ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) and colicins B and D [Ensembl]. TonB dependent receptor, TonB-dependent Receptor Plug Domain [Interproscan]. STM0585, fepA 0.8968925295615886 2 AAL19549 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. Enoyl-(Acyl carrier protein) reductase [Interproscan]. STM0598, entA 0.8596790083857483 5 AAL19539 enterobactin synthetase, component F (nonribosomal peptide synthetase) [Ensembl]. AMP-binding enzyme, Thioesterase domain, Condensation domain, Phosphopantetheine attachment site [Interproscan]. STM0588, entF 0.849202123230081 7 AAL19537 enterochelin esterase [Ensembl]. Putative esterase, Domain of unknown function (DUF3327) [Interproscan]. STM0586, fes 0.8236597898205656 5 AAL19548 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate synthetase, isochorismatase [Ensembl]. Isochorismatase family, Phosphopantetheine attachment site [Interproscan]. STM0597, entB 0.8151935066466789 7 AAL19538 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. MbtH-like protein [Interproscan]. STM0587, ybdZ 0.8129914420652242 7 AAL19545 ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) tranporter [Ensembl]. STM0594, fepB 0.7904049518285347 8 AAL20133 outer membrane receptor for Fe(III)-coprogen [Ensembl]. TonB dependent receptor, TonB-dependent Receptor Plug Domain [Interproscan]. STM1204, fhuE 0.7871573153814139 9 AAL20655 TonB [Ensembl]. TonB polyproline region, Gram-negative bacterial TonB protein C-terminal [Interproscan]. STM1737, tonB 0.7841867306829791 10 AAL19541 enterobactin transporter [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. STM0590, fepC 0.7672733434559598 13 AAL19550 putative protein PaaI, possibly involved in aromatic compounds catabolism [Ensembl]. Thioesterase superfamily [Interproscan]. STM0599, ybdB 0.765320870598631 12 AAL21103 outer membrane porin [Ensembl]. TonB dependent receptor, TonB-dependent Receptor Plug Domain [Interproscan]. STM2199, cirA 0.7599488310456977 13 AAL23368 ferric hydrozamate transport protein [Ensembl]. FhuF 2Fe-2S C-terminal domain, Ferric iron reductase FhuF-like transporter [Interproscan]. STM4550, fhuF 0.7410374668525861 29 AAL19157 hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake [Ensembl]. Periplasmic binding protein [Interproscan]. STM0193, fhuD 0.7171647783806555 85 AAL19156 hydroxymate-dependent iron transport [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. STM0192, fhuC 0.6799091847732431 88 AAL19155 outer membrane protein receptor / transporter for ferrichrome, colicin M, and phages T1, T5, and phi80 [Ensembl]. TonB dependent receptor, TonB-dependent Receptor Plug Domain [Interproscan]. STM0191, fhuA 0.6668473231249555 19 AAL22032 uptake of enterochelin [Ensembl]. Biopolymer transport protein ExbD/TolR [Interproscan]. STM3158, exbD 0.6431396580327208 20 AAL20556 putative SAM-dependent methyltransferase [Ensembl]. STM1638 0.6251965281715702 31 AAL22033 uptake of enterochelin [Ensembl]. MotA/TolQ/ExbB proton channel family [Interproscan]. STM3159, exbB 0.6204386381310736 31 AAL19543 ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) transporter [Ensembl]. FecCD transport family [Interproscan]. STM0592, fepD 0.6065647594530383 82 AAL20086 putative enzyme related to sulfur transferases [Ensembl]. Rhodanase C-terminal, Rhodanese-like domain, UPF0176 acylphosphatase like domain [Interproscan]. STM1156, yceA 0.60428683058457 33 AAL21662 putative hydrolase of the alpha/beta superfamily [Ensembl]. Putative esterase [Interproscan]. STM2776, iroE 0.5889585557277288 39 AAL19135 putative carbonic anhydrase [Ensembl]. Carbonic anhydrase [Interproscan]. STM0171, yadF 0.5847047699415033 29 AAL22368 ferrous iron transport protein B [Ensembl]. Nucleoside recognition, FeoB cytosolic helical domain, Ferrous iron transport protein B C terminus [Interproscan]. STM3506, feoB 0.5713682238014031 38 AAL22307 regulatory or redox component complexing with Bfr [Ensembl]. BFD-like [2Fe-2S] binding domain [Interproscan]. STM3444, bfd 0.570822062969855 40 AAL19317 putative transcription regulator, AraC family [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. STM0363 0.5601419620604317 61 AAL20504 putative periplasmic protein [Ensembl]. STM1586 0.5461301856761701 52 AAL21659 putative glycosyl transferase [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1205) [Interproscan]. STM2773, iroB 0.540876389303151 54 AAL19208 putative outer membrane lipoprotein [Ensembl]. NLPA lipoprotein [Interproscan]. STM0245, yaeC 0.5355940460428636 87 AAL19535 enterochelin synthetase, component D (phoshpantetheinyltransferase) [Ensembl]. 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase superfamily, 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. STM0584, entD 0.5180006846461083 90 AAL21247 putative NTP pyrophosphohydrolase [Ensembl]. NUDIX domain [Interproscan]. STM2346 0.5086636345818181 83 AAL20295 putative transport protein [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. STM1371, sufC 0.5020192092825229 90 AAL21663 TonB-dependent siderophore receptor protein [Ensembl]. TonB dependent receptor, TonB-dependent Receptor Plug Domain [Interproscan]. STM2777, iroN 0.49578232859045 97