Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAL19871 pyruvate dehydrogenase/oxidase FAD and thiamine PPi cofactors, cytoplasmic in absence of cofactors [Ensembl]. Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme [Interproscan]. STM0935, poxB 0.8245984645884458 8 AAL19566 putative dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. Zinc-binding dehydrogenase, Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-associated, Alcohol dehydrogenase GroES-like domain [Interproscan]. STM0615, ybdR 0.8204971127565052 16 AAL22789 putative inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF3021) [Interproscan]. STM3944 0.8096847097113701 89 AAL19339 putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase domain 1 [Ensembl]. MASE2 domain, Diguanylate cyclase [Interproscan]. STM0385, yaiC 0.8036176123948559 5 AAL21304 putative chloride channel permease [Ensembl]. Voltage gated chloride channel [Interproscan]. STM2404 0.7988064203202395 7 AAL22258 transcriptional repressor for envCD (acrEF) [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory proteins, MAATS-type transcriptional repressor [Interproscan]. STM3389, envR 0.7601838377731691 51 AAL20585 putative outer membrane or exported protein [Ensembl]. Zinc-regulated secreted antivirulence protein C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. STM1668 0.7600334887740424 13 AAL19451 putative periplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Lysozyme inhibitor LprI [Interproscan]. STM0497 0.7553153753633389 95 AAL19506 putative fimbrial protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. STM0552, fimW 0.7456653405870973 20 AAL20505 putative outer membrane receptor [Ensembl]. TonB dependent receptor, TonB-dependent Receptor Plug Domain [Interproscan]. STM1587, yncD 0.7414926552096267 40 AAL19703 transcriptional regulator, lysR family [Ensembl]. STM0764 0.7393500910482755 22 AAL23021 putative inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. STM4197 0.7386890547620248 55 AAL20478 putative alpha amylase [Ensembl]. Alpha amylase, Domain of unknown function (DUF3459) [Interproscan]. STM1560 0.7223254450019765 30 AAL20477 putative glycosyl hydrolase [Ensembl]. Alpha amylase [Interproscan]. STM1559 0.7057598946762162 37 AAL21368 transketolase 2 isozyme [Ensembl]. Transketolase [Interproscan]. STM2474, tktB 0.7015776866592947 39 AAL21068 putative ABC-type proline/glycine betaine transport system, permease component [Ensembl]. STM2164, yehY 0.70092767873426 70 AAL19623 putative inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. STM0672 0.7008011255292689 41 AAL21658 H inversion protein [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain of resolvase [Interproscan]. STM2772, hin 0.6987484169084016 68 AAL22635 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. RelE toxin of RelE / RelB toxin-antitoxin system [Interproscan]. STM3777 0.6950450861518759 46 AAL23378 putative phosphoesterase [Ensembl]. Patatin-like phospholipase [Interproscan]. STM4563, yjjU 0.6933028694987796 47 AAL20846 putative intracellular protease/amidase [Ensembl]. DJ-1/PfpI family [Interproscan]. STM1931, araH 0.6885684320806801 52 AAL21591 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Caudovirales tail fibre assembly protein [Interproscan]. STM2704 0.6825828805202767 58 AAL19555 putative transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. ParB-like nuclease domain [Interproscan]. STM0604, ybdM 0.6796647837126043 59 AAL19790 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. HpcH/HpaI aldolase/citrate lyase family [Interproscan]. STM0854 0.6795493842707752 60 AAL20269 putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase domain 1 [Ensembl]. EAL domain [Interproscan]. STM1344, ydiV 0.6774730851319133 62 AAL22411 gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase [Ensembl]. Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase [Interproscan]. STM3551, ggt 0.6718734400300972 70 AAL19605 putative TPR repeat protein [Ensembl]. Sel1 repeat [Interproscan]. STM0654, ybeQ 0.6702311811159717 75