Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAL20661 oligopeptide transport protein [Ensembl]. ABC transporter, Oligopeptide/dipeptide transporter [Interproscan]. STM1743, oppD 0.9590531222016689 2 AAL20662 oligopeptide transport protein [Ensembl]. N-terminal TM domain of oligopeptide transport permease C, Binding-protein-dependent transport system inner membrane component [Interproscan]. STM1744, oppC 0.945455171038971 2 AAL20663 oligopeptide transport protein [Ensembl]. Binding-protein-dependent transport system inner membrane component [Interproscan]. STM1745, oppB 0.9005057656499584 4 AAL20664 oligopeptide transport protein with chaperone properties [Ensembl]. STM1746, oppA 0.844189466759701 4 AAL19860 putative Fels-1 prophage Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase [Ensembl]. Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (SODC) [Interproscan]. STM0924 0.7773057069522995 17 AAL19847 Fels-1 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage portal protein [Interproscan]. STM0911 0.7652709287244474 16 AAL19848 Fels-1 prophage protease subunits of ATP-dependent proteases [Ensembl]. Clp protease [Interproscan]. STM0912 0.7643230512951443 15 AAL19828 putative Fels-1 prophage integrase [Ensembl]. Arm DNA-binding domain, Phage integrase family [Interproscan]. STM0893 0.759355624651709 13 AAL19859 putative Fels-1 prophage tail assembly protein [Ensembl]. Bacteriophage lambda tail assembly protein I [Interproscan]. STM0923 0.7589678498629406 38 AAL19852 putative Fels-1 prophage major tail protein [Ensembl]. Lambda phage tail tube protein, Bacterial Ig-like domain (group 2) [Interproscan]. STM0916 0.7522906914604139 16 AAL21620 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2734 0.7480497521977728 12 AAL19553 putative glycerol dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. Iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. STM0602, ybdH 0.7033227075264961 35 AAL19861 putative Fels-1 prophage host specificity protein [Ensembl]. Putative phage tail protein, Fibronectin type III protein, Domain of unknown function (DUF1983) [Interproscan]. STM0925 0.6988554046002706 31 AAL20659 putative voltage-gated potassium channel [Ensembl]. STM1741 0.697129930327857 28 AAL19554 putative aminotransferase [Ensembl]. Aminotransferase class I and II [Interproscan]. STM0603, ybdL 0.6874744422727259 55 AAL19849 Fels-1 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM0913 0.6735897387451186 18 AAL22945 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase [Ensembl]. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase [Interproscan]. STM4105, metF 0.6639733468371876 71 AAL21535 quinolinate synthetase, B protein [Ensembl]. FAD binding domain, Fumarate reductase flavoprotein C-term [Interproscan]. STM2641, nadB 0.6627586425148977 22 AAL19850 putative Fels-1 phage tail component [Ensembl]. Prophage minor tail protein Z (GPZ) [Interproscan]. STM0914 0.6609200451816002 20 AAL21337 thiosulfate transport protein [Ensembl]. Binding-protein-dependent transport system inner membrane component [Interproscan]. STM2443, cysU 0.654930685124762 97 AAL19853 putative Fels-1 prophage minor tail protein [Ensembl]. Minor tail protein T [Interproscan]. STM0917 0.6545463046386415 27 AAL19854 putative Fels-1 prophage minor tail protein [Ensembl]. Prophage tail length tape measure protein, Lambda phage tail tape-measure protein (Tape_meas_lam_C) [Interproscan]. STM0918 0.6531575230149722 33 AAL19857 putative Fels-1 prophage minor tail protein [Ensembl]. Phage minor tail protein L [Interproscan]. STM0921 0.6529621225454009 35 AAL19846 Fels-1 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage terminase large subunit (GpA) [Interproscan]. STM0910 0.6516571439967905 34 AAL19695 quinolinate synthetase, A protein [Ensembl]. Quinolinate synthetase A protein [Interproscan]. STM0756, nadA 0.6474015998777135 28 AAL23006 homoserine transsuccinylase [Ensembl]. Homoserine O-succinyltransferase [Interproscan]. STM4182, metA 0.64284244622039 98 AAL19851 Fels-1 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage minor tail protein U [Interproscan]. STM0915 0.6402444010921104 32 AAL21324 subunit of cysteine synthase A and O-acetylserine sulfhydrolase A [Ensembl]. Pyridoxal-phosphate dependent enzyme [Interproscan]. STM2430, cysK 0.6342141371953903 34 AAL19696 NMN family, nucleoside/purine/pyrimidine transporter [Ensembl]. Nicotinamide mononucleotide transporter [Interproscan]. STM0757, pnuC 0.6288964486375752 35 AAL19858 putative Fels-1 prophage tail assembly protein [Ensembl]. NlpC/P60 family, Prokaryotic homologs of the JAB domain [Interproscan]. STM0922 0.6202408774662361 41 AAL19568 RNase I [Ensembl]. Ribonuclease T2 family [Interproscan]. STM0617, rna 0.6167564738171112 40 AAL19552 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Selenoprotein [Interproscan]. STM0601, ybdD 0.5861347150851726 53 AAL20614 putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase domain 2 [Ensembl]. STM1697 0.5814045479736059 56 AAL19840 Fels-1 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM0904 0.578696450238214 58 AAL21338 thiosulfate transport protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial extracellular solute-binding protein [Interproscan]. STM2444, cysP 0.5558114356596586 72 AAL19615 glutamate/aspartate transporter [Ensembl]. Binding-protein-dependent transport system inner membrane component [Interproscan]. STM0664, gltJ 0.5344789084598864 85 AAL19862 putative Fels-1 prophage minor tail protein [Ensembl]. Phage Tail Collar Domain, Prophage tail fibre N-terminal [Interproscan]. STM0926 0.5318331841748565 88 AAL23249 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. STM4429 0.528252237968778 92 AAL19452 putative copper-transporting ATPase [Ensembl]. E1-E2 ATPase, Heavy-metal-associated domain, haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. STM0498, copA 0.5222871442505589 99 AAL19308 putative transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. MerR family regulatory protein [Interproscan]. STM0354 0.5208395252686658 100