Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAL21615 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2729 0.9682251807118448 5 AAL21609 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Terminase-like family, Terminase RNaseH-like domain, Putative ATPase subunit of terminase (gpP-like) [Interproscan]. STM2722 0.9552533371665628 3 AAL21607 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage major capsid protein [Interproscan]. STM2720 0.9525839278349673 11 AAL21587 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage tail tube protein FII [Interproscan]. STM2700 0.9457993831996384 12 AAL19254 putative transposase [Ensembl]. Transposase [Interproscan]. STM0297 0.9313436905019142 5 AAL21600 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2713 0.9312895462575803 6 AAL21599 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2712 0.925180177671665 14 AAL21588 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage tail sheath C-terminal domain, Phage tail sheath protein subtilisin-like domain [Interproscan]. STM2701 0.9234254111135377 14 AAL21605 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage head completion protein (GPL) [Interproscan]. STM2718 0.9153985654823893 20 AAL21608 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage capsid scaffolding protein (GPO) serine peptidase [Interproscan]. STM2721 0.9146276979677606 17 AAL19247 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. DcrB [Interproscan]. STM0290 0.9126634005113597 24 AAL21597 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Type VI secretion system [Interproscan]. STM2710 0.8958185875758288 33 AAL21598 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. STM2711 0.8955259604278368 19 AAL18979 putative bacteriophage protein [Ensembl]. LydA holin phage [Interproscan]. STM0015 0.8951677292732412 49 AAL19245 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2778) [Interproscan]. STM0288 0.8949834762761991 96 AAL19476 putative NCS1 family, allantoin transport protein [Ensembl]. Permease for cytosine/purines [Interproscan]. STM0522, allP 0.8928210777872744 94 AAL20776 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Phage integrase family [Interproscan]. STM1861 0.8875779751421907 85 AAL21582 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage late control gene D protein (GPD) [Interproscan]. STM2695 0.8811780037691948 43 AAL21603 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Bacteriophage holin family HP1 [Interproscan]. STM2716 0.8796874847458817 29 AAL21586 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage tail assembly chaperone proteins [Interproscan]. STM2699 0.8796182746155361 23 AAL19257 putative fimbriae assembly chaparone [Ensembl]. Pili assembly chaperone PapD, Pili and flagellar-assembly chaperone [Interproscan]. STM0300, safB 0.8780003991106957 94 AAL21595 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Baseplate J-like protein [Interproscan]. STM2708 0.874319173236461 63 AAL21606 Fels-2 prophage protein [Ensembl]. Phage small terminase subunit [Interproscan]. STM2719 0.8662350099647601 85 AAL19474 putative permease [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. STM0520 0.8657873912005295 88 AAL23338 putative cytoplasmic protein [Ensembl]. STM4520 0.8477657962634324 54