Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CPC54847 membrane spanning protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF443) [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00770 0.9209423222518924 5 CPC54956 staphylococcus aureus paralogous family [Ensembl]. ERS093114_00773 0.9160334641076835 96 CPC92165 lipoprotein%2C putative [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF5079) [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01636 0.9140678589819625 95 CPC55065 staphylococcus aureus paralogous family [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF443) [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00776 0.9025847558888944 5 CPC54389 L-2-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase [Ensembl]. Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. hdl IVa, ERS093114_00757 0.8989060347807544 11 CPC79114 lipoprotein%2C putative [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1672) [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01322 0.8926279223381703 67 CPC90186 Low temperature requirement protein A [Ensembl]. Bacterial low temperature requirement A protein (LtrA) [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01575 0.8895156982960984 13 CPC34391 DNA mismatch repair protein MutS [Ensembl]. MutS domain V, MutS domain III, MutS family domain IV [Interproscan]. mutS_1, ERS093114_00129 0.8650793791070974 52 CPC55265 Phage protein [Ensembl]. LXG domain of WXG superfamily [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00782 0.8608783090498475 63 CPC92425 Putative secretion system component EssB/YukC [Ensembl]. WXG100 protein secretion system (Wss) [Interproscan]. essB, ERS093114_01644 0.8603139664520443 74 CPD21122 AraC family regulatory protein [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. melR_2, ERS093114_02305 0.8581895641291367 72 CPC55643 Threonine/Serine Exporter [Ensembl]. Putative threonine/serine exporter [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00793 0.856813583565408 77 CPC56430 Poly(glycerol-phosphate) alpha-glucosyltransferase [Ensembl]. Glycosyl transferases group 1 [Interproscan]. tagE_3, ERS093114_00814 0.8535164876567863 86 CPC54131 Integral membrane protein [Ensembl]. Putative inner membrane exporter [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00751 0.8520298989961551 88