Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CPD06499 CI-like repressor%2C phage associated [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix, Peptidase S24-like [Interproscan]. lexA_2, ERS093114_01966 0.5834079737323745 1 CPC54100 transposase InsI for insertion sequence element IS30B/C/D [Ensembl]. ERS093114_00750 0.5508980815863114 8 CPD06574 phage protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01968 0.536633376741019 11 CPC54072 transposase [Ensembl]. Homeodomain-like domain [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00749 0.5188580259440294 16 CPC33899 Uncharacterised protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_00108 0.46113553916487326 9 CPC46736 staphylococcal enterotoxin Q [Ensembl]. Staphylococcal/Streptococcal toxin [Interproscan]. entQ, ERS093114_00532 0.4563604760461324 39 CPC46772 enterotoxin [Ensembl]. Staphylococcal/Streptococcal toxin [Interproscan]. sek, ERS093114_00533 0.45579879486034874 36 CPC42134 putative glycosyl transferases [Ensembl]. Glycosyl transferases group 1 [Interproscan]. tagE_1, ERS093114_00388 0.450010361503737 8 CPD16875 DNA/RNA helicase of DEAD/DEAH box family [Ensembl]. PLD-like domain, Type III restriction enzyme, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain, Domain of unknown function (DUF3427) [Interproscan]. srmB, ERS093114_02195 0.4498803391214223 33 CPC71384 spermidine N(1)-acetyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain [Interproscan]. speG, ERS093114_01138 0.4498577816737849 49 CPC46699 pathogenicity island protein [Ensembl]. IrrE N-terminal-like domain [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00531 0.403472823124606 36 CPC69628 DNA polymerase III beta subunit [Ensembl]. DNA polymerase III beta subunit [Interproscan]. dnaN, ERS093114_01084 0.38976737537114814 86 CPC71318 Uncharacterised protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01135 0.38118119405358253 92 CPD06676 DNA integration/recombination/inversion protein [Ensembl]. Phage integrase family [Interproscan]. xerC_2, ERS093114_01971 0.3734059124567175 56 CPC46670 Cro/CI family transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00530 0.37318737463612073 65 CPC68356 Transmembrane component MtsC of energizing module of methionine-regulated ECF transporter [Ensembl]. Cobalt transport protein [Interproscan]. mtsC, ERS093114_01049 0.36459312349458317 54 CPD14917 Uncharacterised protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_02161 0.36212801166089637 76 CPC80336 N utilization substance protein B [Ensembl]. NusB family [Interproscan]. nusB, ERS093114_01356 0.3601116314995159 70 CPD29217 Rhodanese-like domain protein [Ensembl]. Rhodanese-like domain [Interproscan]. ERS093114_02490 0.35856749506337937 43 CPD14882 ClpA-like protein [Ensembl]. AAA domain (Cdc48 subfamily) [Interproscan]. clpB_2, ERS093114_02160 0.3556748141725438 68 CPC68318 GNAT family acetyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01048 0.35420216144613137 81 CPC78754 phiSLT ORF78-like protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01310 0.3356755329437894 56 CPC46327 abortive infection bacteriophage resistance protein [Ensembl]. Abi-like protein [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00518 0.3340885062858606 59 CPC78851 phage repressor [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01313 0.3332291402880087 99 CPD05195 Gp6 protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01928 0.33319145693350305 50 CPC54045 lipoprotein%2C putative [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function with cystatin-like fold (DUF4467) [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00748 0.32250065233656444 65 CPC53758 RstA [Ensembl]. Replication initiation factor, Rolling Circle replication initiation protein N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. ERS093114_00739 0.31736680395835454 94 CPD05058 prophage pi2 protein 39 [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01924 0.3076561933717269 56 CPC38230 Uncharacterised protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_00266 0.29578224142132253 73 CPC99534 staphylococcal accessory regulator A [Ensembl]. sarS, ERS093114_01815 0.29382634342581926 100 CPD05269 Phage major capsid protein [Ensembl]. Phage capsid family [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01930 0.28742599943287334 65 CPD05126 phage protein [Ensembl]. Bacteriophage HK97-gp10 [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01926 0.28089026577200216 71 CPC71780 arginine deiminase [Ensembl]. Amidinotransferase [Interproscan]. arcA_2, ERS093114_01150 0.2787621568855813 79 CPC70739 type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease restriction subunit [Ensembl]. hsdR1, ERS093114_01118 0.2750158611110452 79 CPC99577 Protein A [Ensembl]. spa, ERS093114_01816 0.26919896946872424 93 CPD05157 Phage protein [Ensembl]. Phage head-tail joining protein [Interproscan]. ERS093114_01927 0.26732284438984655 87 CPD05021 hypothetical phage-related protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01923 0.2641913113956904 93 CPD05567 phage protein [Ensembl]. ERS093114_01939 0.2603171380010093 100