Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAL00848 Chromosome segregation protein [Ensembl]. ParB-like nuclease domain, HTH domain found in ParB protein [Interproscan]. spr2046, spo0J 0.905196110799437 1 AAK99512 Sensor protein CiaH histide kinase [Ensembl]. Histidine kinase-, His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain [Interproscan]. spr0708, ciaH 0.7887818869112393 3 AAK99511 Response regulator, transcriptional regulatory protein [Ensembl]. Transcriptional regulatory protein, Response regulator receiver domain [Interproscan]. spr0707, ciaR 0.7480896435795066 3 AAL00719 4-alpha-glucanotransferase (amylomaltase) [Ensembl]. 4-alpha-glucanotransferase [Interproscan]. spr1917, malM 0.6869583429367792 5 AAL00718 Maltodextrin phosphorylase [Ensembl]. Carbohydrate phosphorylase [Interproscan]. spr1916, malP 0.6707409239038458 6 AAL00590 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Inhibitor of apoptosis-promoting Bax1 [Interproscan]. spr1787 0.6277471274657654 12 AAL00783 D-alanine transfer from Dcp to undecaprenol-phosphate [Ensembl]. MBOAT [Interproscan]. spr1981, dltB 0.6038791478579352 33 AAL00781 D-alanine transfer from undecaprenol-phosphate to the poly(glycerophosphate) chain [Ensembl]. DltD protein [Interproscan]. spr1979, dltD 0.5885355233804856 12 AAL00784 D-alanine-D-alanyl carrier protein ligase [Ensembl]. spr1982, dltA 0.5793664070742871 53 AAK99735 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1002) [Interproscan]. spr0931 0.5662126400587502 11 AAK99346 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. spr0542 0.5619262246820135 17 AAL00606 Transcriptional activator [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix, ComR tetratricopeptide [Interproscan]. spr1803, plcR 0.5554125611620675 92 AAK99608 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF1980) [Interproscan]. spr0804 0.5522370238310501 42 AAK99736 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. tRNA (Uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [Interproscan]. spr0932 0.5403199062359458 17 AAK99609 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Predicted permease [Interproscan]. spr0805 0.5271651783257524 72 AAK99688 Proteinase maturation protein [Ensembl]. PPIC-type PPIASE domain [Interproscan]. spr0884, ppmA 0.5177396235015045 19 AAK98895 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Glycosyl transferase family 2 [Interproscan]. spr0091 0.4951478927653097 24 AAL00782 D-alanyl carrier protein [Ensembl]. Phosphopantetheine attachment site [Interproscan]. spr1980, dltC 0.48801937339791107 22 AAL00097 ABC transporter ATP-binding protein-unknown substrate [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. spr1293, ABC-NBD 0.48472843717378705 36 AAL00342 Xylan esterase 1 [Ensembl]. Acetyl xylan esterase (AXE1) [Interproscan]. spr1538, axe1 0.48019494424055803 25 AAL00041 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. spr1237 0.4678754599169841 56 AAL00116 Thioredoxin reductase [Ensembl]. Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase [Interproscan]. spr1312, trxB 0.45653192112737834 41 AAL00294 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily [Interproscan]. spr1490 0.45412340040773724 66 AAL00160 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Tetratricopeptide repeat [Interproscan]. spr1356 0.4441225454047441 89 AAL00156 Bacterocin transport accessory protein [Ensembl]. spr1352, bta 0.43914654597648706 68 AAL00363 ABC transporter ATP-binding protein-unknown substrate [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. spr1559, ABC-NBD 0.43078634189055837 65 AAK99973 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. spr1170 0.42950182366119044 72 AAK99460 ATP-dependent CLP protease proteolytic subunit [Ensembl]. Clp protease [Interproscan]. spr0656, clpP 0.4291298853437605 67 AAK99474 ATP-dependent RNA helicase [Ensembl]. DEAD/DEAH box helicase, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. spr0670, rheB 0.4269716438192249 68 AAL00364 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. spr1560 0.42077482084689294 72 AAL00674 Pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase, truncation [Ensembl]. Pyroglutamyl peptidase [Interproscan]. spr1872 0.419028881283399 75 AAK99755 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. spr0951 0.4132736967421864 79 AAK99814 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. YbaB/EbfC DNA-binding family [Interproscan]. spr1010 0.41319342547168353 80 AAK99966 Cytoplasmic membrane protein [Ensembl]. LemA family [Interproscan]. spr1163, lemA 0.41255306621263166 95 AAK98921 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. spr0117 0.40217484191565195 93 AAL00404 Hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF4649) [Interproscan]. spr1601 0.3977928944251275 96