Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr CCL17578 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase [Interproscan]. BN171_1590002 0.7979257896315741 9 CCL19085 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. HlyD family secretion protein [Interproscan]. BN171_2870015 0.7741513033347689 15 CCL17627 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria (DUF2179), Uncharacterised 5xTM membrane BCR [Interproscan]. BN171_1640017 0.7590287105546347 7 CCL17721 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1720002 0.7579668610870787 12 CCL17920 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Region found in RelA / SpoT proteins [Interproscan]. BN171_1940009 0.7555353233947633 12 CCL17616 Putative helicase, DinG family [Ensembl]. Type III restriction enzyme, Helicase C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1640006 0.7543209628765625 49 CCL17245 Putative aminotransferase [Ensembl]. BN171_1410007 0.7528651587224063 56 CCL17191 Inorganic polyphosphate/ATP-NAD kinase (Poly(P)/ATP NAD kinase) [Ensembl]. ATP-NAD kinase [Interproscan]. ppnK, BN171_1380002 0.7517694120410761 8 CCL18533 Putative serine/threonine protein kinase [Ensembl]. BN171_2410015 0.7508543369547653 25 CCL16939 Putative oxidoreductase subunit [Ensembl]. Molybdopterin oxidoreductase, Molybdopterin oxidoreductase Fe4S4 domain, Molydopterin dinucleotide binding domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1020006 0.7490726197311938 20 CCL18489 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF3810) [Interproscan]. BN171_2390008 0.748867367680947 11 CCL17633 Aminodeoxychorismate lyase (4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase) (ADC lyase) (ADCL) [Ensembl]. Amino-transferase class IV [Interproscan]. pabC, BN171_1640023 0.7455216519031571 55 CCL17933 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1697) [Interproscan]. BN171_1970002 0.741949613861443 13 CCL18050 Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase, group IV decarboxylase family [Ensembl]. Pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase [Interproscan]. BN171_2070002 0.7348472303033987 14 CCL17895 Two-component response regulator [Ensembl]. Response regulator receiver domain, Transcriptional regulatory protein [Interproscan]. BN171_1930007 0.7309924034096077 95 CCL18569 Putative DEAD-like helicase [Ensembl]. SNF2 family N-terminal domain, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain, Bacterial SNF2 helicase associated [Interproscan]. BN171_2440010 0.7298587528238566 60 CCL17179 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1360001 0.7294047425866896 23 CCL17912 ATP-dependent DNA helicase [Ensembl]. DEAD/DEAH box helicase, Helix-turn-helix domain, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain, RQC domain, RecQ zinc-binding, HRDC domain [Interproscan]. recQ, BN171_1940001 0.7239276613005837 19 CCL18382 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2975) [Interproscan]. BN171_2270005 0.720612916496011 21 CCL17954 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. Bacterial extracellular solute-binding proteins, His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. BN171_1970023 0.7200067188001531 44 CCL17715 Putative diguanylate kinase signaling protein [Ensembl]. Diguanylate cyclase, EAL domain, PAS fold [Interproscan]. BN171_1700002 0.7165303329806549 22 CCL18852 Putative diacylglycerol kinase [Ensembl]. PAP2 superfamily, Prokaryotic diacylglycerol kinase [Interproscan]. BN171_2690009 0.716010260816439 29 CCL18960 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. BN171_2770011 0.713533139371831 60 CCL17378 Putative aminodeoxychorismate lyase [Ensembl]. YceG-like family [Interproscan]. BN171_1450039 0.7132200073381713 25 CCL17855 Putative signaling protein [Ensembl]. Diguanylate cyclase, EAL domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1840015 0.7131106239563125 40 CCL17468 Transcriptional regulator, MarR family [Ensembl]. MarR family [Interproscan]. BN171_1510010 0.712641283647187 27 CCL17634 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_1640024 0.7114673953590487 30 CCL19319 Putative aldolase [Ensembl]. NADH:flavin oxidoreductase / NADH oxidase family [Interproscan]. BN171_3020031 0.710597107819443 29 CCL17842 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Putative component of 'biosynthetic module' [Interproscan]. BN171_1840002 0.7065411130530088 42 CCL17630 Putative exported polysaccharide deacetylase [Ensembl]. Polysaccharide deacetylase [Interproscan]. BN171_1640020 0.702836471467267 31 CCL17190 Putative phosphodiesterase [Ensembl]. Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase superfamily domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1380001 0.7024226838734512 32 CCL18914 Two-component sensor histidine kinase,sporulation-associated spo0A [Ensembl]. BN171_2720014 0.7022373283624188 82 CCL19204 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family [Ensembl]. LysR substrate binding domain, Bacterial regulatory helix-turn-helix protein [Interproscan]. BN171_2950006 0.7005051170524949 35 CCL18984 Putative phosphatase [Ensembl]. Dihydroxyacetone kinase family, DAK2 domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2790013 0.6956187128137152 82 CCL17005 Putative acetyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) family [Interproscan]. BN171_1070007 0.6929228581055424 36 CCL17157 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. BN171_1330018 0.6902424695401426 39 CCL18210 ABC-type transport system, permease [Ensembl]. FtsX-like permease family [Interproscan]. BN171_2160006 0.6897622859592035 40 CCL18784 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. AI-2E family transporter [Interproscan]. BN171_2620007 0.6896873375429925 41 CCL19137 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family [Ensembl]. LysR substrate binding domain, Bacterial regulatory helix-turn-helix protein [Interproscan]. BN171_2880004 0.6881039434313797 43 CCL17668 ABC-type transport system, sulfonates-family ATP-binding protein [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. ssuB, BN171_1660009 0.6875006290185194 45 CCL18641 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. BN171_2480016 0.684405531071828 81 CCL19227 Putative N6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase, N12 class [Ensembl]. N-6 DNA Methylase, TaqI-like C-terminal specificity domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2970006 0.6825730481299523 84 CCL19064 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. 5TMR of 5TMR-LYT, Histidine kinase, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. BN171_2850003 0.6802626281287826 50 CCL18208 Transcriptional regulator, LysR family [Ensembl]. LysR substrate binding domain, Bacterial regulatory helix-turn-helix protein [Interproscan]. BN171_2160004 0.6801176335882558 51 CCL19188 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. BN171_2930003 0.6790527760946842 87 CCL18186 Putative phage integrase [Ensembl]. BN171_2140028 0.6758620076599131 56 CCL17156 Two-component response regulator [Ensembl]. Response regulator receiver domain, Transcriptional regulatory protein [Interproscan]. BN171_1330017 0.6743430339240023 57 CCL17004 Transcriptional regulator, MarR family [Ensembl]. BN171_1070006 0.670616673025923 59 CCL18218 ABC-type transport system, permease [Ensembl]. FtsX-like permease family [Interproscan]. BN171_2170005 0.6693094441624811 60 CCL18187 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. BN171_2150001 0.6681880939706113 84 CCL17632 Para-aminobenzoate synthase component I [Ensembl]. chorismate binding enzyme, Anthranilate synthase component I [Interproscan]. pabB, BN171_1640022 0.6662794515620648 90 CCL18214 Putative 4Fe-4S binding protein; putative ferredoxin; putative dehydrogenase; putative reductase [Ensembl]. BN171_2170001 0.663079866573491 67 CCL17027 Sigma-54 factor, interaction domain-containing protein,transcriptional regulatory protein levr [Ensembl]. PTS system fructose IIA component, PRD domain, Sugar-specific transcriptional regulator TrmB, Sigma-54 interaction domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1090008 0.659521671949049 82 CCL17647 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1648) [Interproscan]. BN171_1640037 0.6583858766010654 70 CCL18241 Putative hydrolase, NUDIX family [Ensembl]. NUDIX domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2190001 0.6555755493277424 95 CCL18466 Putative anion:Na+ symporter [Ensembl]. Sodium:sulfate symporter transmembrane region [Interproscan]. BN171_2370003 0.6554363017917766 72 CCL18743 Putative membrane protein [Ensembl]. 5-bromo-4-chloroindolyl phosphate hydrolysis protein [Interproscan]. BN171_2600002 0.6547857634467696 73 CCL18804 DNA polymerase III, epsilon subunit [Ensembl]. Exonuclease [Interproscan]. polC, BN171_2650001 0.6542180041418316 100 CCL17654 Putative iron-sulfur protein [Ensembl]. 4Fe-4S dicluster domain [Interproscan]. BN171_1640044 0.6537064914676739 76 CCL17879 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. TraX protein [Interproscan]. BN171_1920006 0.6537015383482512 77 CCL19185 Putative peptidase C60B, sortase B [Ensembl]. BN171_2920006 0.6536706816126767 78 CCL20745 Transcriptional regulator, DeoR family [Ensembl]. DeoR-like helix-turn-helix domain, DeoR C terminal sensor domain [Interproscan]. BN171_970004 0.6509710680423018 81 CCL18961 Two-component response regulator [Ensembl]. Response regulator receiver domain, Transcriptional regulatory protein [Interproscan]. BN171_2770012 0.6501658992179431 82 CCL19034 Putative hydrolase, HAD superfamily, subfamily IA [Ensembl]. BN171_2830002 0.6500600918235674 84 CCL19320 Transcriptional regulator, MarR family [Ensembl]. MarR family [Interproscan]. BN171_3020032 0.6463819436299282 87 CCL18188 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. ACT domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2150002 0.6436579137765773 88 CCL17503 Putative phage tyrosine recombinase [Ensembl]. Phage integrase family, Phage integrase [Interproscan]. BN171_1520021 0.6433761852467079 89 CCL17843 Putative tellurite associated resistance protein [Ensembl]. Toxic anion resistance protein (TelA) [Interproscan]. BN171_1840003 0.6423382297451373 91 CCL18305 Putative membrane protein, DUF1648 family [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1648), SdpI/YhfL protein family [Interproscan]. BN171_2210005 0.6402285561462837 92 CCL18448 Transcriptional regulator, sigma-54-dependent [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory protein, Sigma-54 interaction domain [Interproscan]. BN171_2340008 0.6389100960436758 93 CCL19171 Conserved hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. BN171_2910006 0.6381783244040694 94 CCL18212 Two-component sensor histidine kinase [Ensembl]. His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain, Histidine kinase- [Interproscan]. BN171_2160008 0.6381132354814569 95 CCL17271 Putative phosphoesterase [Ensembl]. Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase [Interproscan]. BN171_1420014 0.6376090048166871 97 CCL17603 Putative drug/sodium antiporter, MATE family [Ensembl]. MatE [Interproscan]. BN171_1600007 0.6357221688669725 98 CCL17801 Methionine aminopeptidase Map2 (MAP) (Peptidase M) [Ensembl]. SEC-C motif, Metallopeptidase family M24 [Interproscan]. map, BN171_1810008 0.6343541448344996 99