Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AGT22704 peptide chain release factor 2 [Ensembl]. RF-1 domain, PCRF domain [InterProScan]. N559_0916 0.8203830646839537 7 AGT26517 DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta [Ensembl]. domain 3, domain 6, domain 2, RNA polymerase beta subunit external 1 domain, domain 7, hybrid-binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_4933 0.7939162908142952 7 AGT25290 leucyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. Domain 2, Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA, editing domain [InterProScan]. N559_3648 0.79122332572592 5 AGT23650 carboxy-terminal protease [Ensembl]. PDZ domain, Tail specific protease N-terminal domain, C-terminal domain of tail specific protease (DUF3340), Peptidase family S41 [InterProScan]. N559_1917 0.7548630563702133 9 AGT26516 DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit [Ensembl]. N559_4932 0.7464875003605462 15 AGT22239 elongation factor G [Ensembl]. domain IV, Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain, Elongation factor Tu domain 2, domain II, domain V-like, GTP-binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_0428 0.7411924484110477 24 AGT26019 isoleucine--tRNA ligase [Ensembl]. Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA [InterProScan]. N559_4412 0.7290860781948485 7 AGT22386 transcription elongation factor NusA [Ensembl]. NusA-like KH domain, Helix-hairpin-helix domain, NusA N-terminal domain, S1 RNA binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_0589, NusA 0.7187448730835001 26 AGT26221 valine--tRNA ligase [Ensembl]. Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA [InterProScan]. N559_4627 0.7184875506915205 9 AGT24961 ABC transporter ATPase component [Ensembl]. ABC transporter C-terminal domain, ABC-transporter extension domain [InterProScan]. N559_3303 0.7173862278068099 36 AGT22265 DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha [Ensembl]. RNA polymerase Rpb3/RpoA insert domain, RNA polymerase Rpb3/Rpb11 dimerisation domain, alpha chain C terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_0457 0.7153594916000516 26 AGT26063 peptide chain release factor 3 [Ensembl]. Elongation factor Tu domain 2, C-terminal domain, Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain, GTP-binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_4458 0.713486918792355 32 AGT23825 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta [Ensembl]. B3/4 domain, tRNA synthetase B5 domain, Phenylalanyl tRNA synthetase beta chain CLM domain, Ferredoxin-fold anticodon binding domain, Putative tRNA binding domain, B3/B4 tRNA-binding domain, B5-domain, core domain, Ferrodoxin-fold anticodon-binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_2107 0.7102531709635219 13 AGT23612 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. GAD domain, OB-fold nucleic acid binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_1879 0.705955823624554 14 AGT26590 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Rep [Ensembl]. UvrD-like helicase C-terminal domain, UvrD/REP helicase N-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_5009 0.7047004397069643 15 AGT24956 putative ATP-dependent protease [Ensembl]. N559_3298 0.7000870864683012 19 AGT26586 guanosine pentaphosphate phosphohydrolase [Ensembl]. Ppx/GppA phosphatase family [InterProScan]. N559_5005 0.6847876041952846 17 AGT22250 50S ribosomal protein L29 [Ensembl]. N559_0442 0.6835723073097104 18 AGT22240 elongation factor Tu [Ensembl]. N559_0429 0.6810495259746828 22 AGT25831 prolyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetase class II core domain (G, Anticodon binding domain, Aminoacyl-tRNA editing domain, YbaK/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase-associated domain [InterProScan]. N559_4206 0.6805999442922388 32 AGT25269 glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. anti-codon binding domain, catalytic domain [InterProScan]. N559_3627 0.6795362594638394 21 AGT22257 50S ribosomal protein L6 [Ensembl]. alpha-beta domain [InterProScan]. N559_0449 0.6794624449672644 30 AGT26016 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase [Ensembl]. N559_4409 0.6770013451473148 23 AGT23360 DNA gyrase subunit A [Ensembl]. DNA gyrase C-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_1614 0.6763235567473024 25 AGT23604 arginyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. Arginyl tRNA synthetase N terminal domain, DALR anticodon binding domain, catalytic core domain [InterProScan]. N559_1871 0.6736546814264261 46 AGT22264 30S ribosomal protein S4 [Ensembl]. N559_0456 0.6726180881263513 30 AGT23283 N5-glutamine S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase [Ensembl]. Methyltransferase small domain [InterProScan]. N559_1531 0.6687250575303777 27 AGT22354 putative ABC transporter ATP-binding protein YhbG [Ensembl]. N559_0556, YhbG 0.6597318090475207 38 AGT22387 translation initiation factor IF-2 [Ensembl]. N559_0590 0.653855334348777 55 AGT23177 GMP synthase domain protein [Ensembl]. GMP synthase C terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_1419 0.6505244712869587 30 AGT23121 GTP-binding protein LepA [Ensembl]. Elongation factor Tu domain 2, Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain, domain V-like, GTP-binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_1359, LepA 0.6474691152031053 37 AGT21839 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit B [Ensembl]. N559_0006 0.6444940640582073 63 AGT22049 glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta [Ensembl]. DALR anticodon binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_0227 0.6385912827915785 33 AGT22245 50S ribosomal protein L4 [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein L4/L1 family [InterProScan]. N559_0435 0.6356546274541306 44 AGT21842 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit gamma [Ensembl]. N559_0009 0.6339412040056599 35 AGT21871 DNA gyrase subunit B [Ensembl]. DNA gyrase B subunit insert domain, Toprim domain, domain 2 [InterProScan]. N559_0038 0.633938214467272 36 AGT22495 RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD [Ensembl]. non-essential domain [InterProScan]. N559_0700, RpoD 0.6304611199510596 55 AGT22357 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase [Ensembl]. N559_0559 0.6297885415335951 64 AGT22208 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Sporulation related domain, Sporulation-like domain [InterProScan]. N559_0395 0.6239233123775915 60 AGT24996 30S ribosomal protein S1 [Ensembl]. S1 RNA binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_3340 0.6230330815191396 40 AGT22536 DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A [Ensembl]. DNA gyrase C-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_0743 0.621245464905466 49 AGT24141 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. YmjA [InterProScan]. N559_2448 0.6189810085170333 42 AGT23298 bifunctional folylpolyglutamate synthase/ dihydrofolate synthase [Ensembl]. glutamate ligase domain, Mur ligase middle domain, Mur ligase family [InterProScan]. N559_1546 0.6138257959251266 64 AGT22703 ssDNA exonuclease RecJ [Ensembl]. N559_0915, RecJ 0.6129653846641406 84 AGT22410 tetrapyrrole methylase [Ensembl]. N559_0613 0.611637336831078 74 AGT23824 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha [Ensembl]. N-terminal domain, tRNA synthetases class II core domain (F) [InterProScan]. N559_2106 0.6103229136736666 46 AGT21838 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit C [Ensembl]. V-ATPase proteolipid subunit C-like domain [InterProScan]. N559_0005 0.61017319694361 47 AGT25300 D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase DacA [Ensembl]. C-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_3658, DacA 0.607197061197753 48 AGT25279 putative metalloprotease [Ensembl]. Uncharacterized protein family UPF0054 [InterProScan]. N559_3637 0.60547248804884 67 AGT25638 trigger factor [Ensembl]. FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase domain [InterProScan]. N559_4009 0.6051204256299796 58 AGT22645 DNA-specific endonuclease I [Ensembl]. N559_0856 0.604701882308876 69 AGT23161 enhanced serine sensitivity protein SseB [Ensembl]. SseB protein N-terminal domain, SseB protein C-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_1401, SseB 0.6043754689773229 75 AGT22211 phosphoglycolate phosphatase [Ensembl]. N559_0398 0.6006189441196398 53 AGT25852 uridylate kinase [Ensembl]. Amino acid kinase family [InterProScan]. N559_4230 0.5984941375254291 54 AGT24962 23S rRNA m(2)G2445 methyltransferase [Ensembl]. THUMP domain, Putative RNA methylase domain [InterProScan]. N559_3304 0.5984492478894058 55 AGT23284 chorismate synthase [Ensembl]. N559_1532 0.5949037988157853 88 AGT21974 DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega [Ensembl]. N559_0149 0.5912095494305868 57 AGT21841 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit alpha [Ensembl]. C terminal domain, nucleotide-binding domain, beta-barrel domain, N-terminal domain, ATP synthase alpha/beta family [InterProScan]. N559_0008 0.5891395554730577 58 AGT22249 50S ribosomal protein L16 [Ensembl]. N559_0441 0.588745201213165 62 AGT22681 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. N559_0893 0.5877959539789686 87 AGT24984 partition protein MukB [Ensembl]. MukB hinge domain, N-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_3326, MukB 0.5845141429950301 61 AGT23159 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Iron-sulphur cluster assembly, ISC system FeS cluster assembly, IscX [InterProScan]. N559_1399 0.5841270106151105 62 AGT23169 histidyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. Anticodon binding domain, Class II Histidinyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS)-like catalytic core domain [InterProScan]. N559_1411 0.5830566069926959 63 AGT26357 divalent-cation tolerance protein CutA [Ensembl]. N559_4766, CutA 0.5825389722617613 64 AGT23176 inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. CBS domain, GMP reductase domain [InterProScan]. N559_1418 0.580368662934764 65 AGT23158 [2FE-2S] ferredoxin, electron carrer proteinferredoxin [Ensembl]. 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain, 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_1398 0.5791258951320623 66 AGT25643 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [Ensembl]. periplasmic domain [InterProScan]. N559_4014 0.5748020243968386 68 AGT23820 threonyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. Threonyl and Alanyl tRNA synthetase second additional domain, TGS domain, Anticodon binding domain, tRNA synthetase class II core domain (G [InterProScan]. N559_2102 0.5731343759702633 77 AGT25994 diadenosine tetraphosphatase [Ensembl]. Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain [InterProScan]. N559_4384 0.5724564084623087 70 AGT25924 pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit E1 [Ensembl]. N559_4309 0.5719900102450507 71 AGT24487 mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [Ensembl]. N559_2814 0.5673175292325352 72 AGT23157 chaperone protein HscA [Ensembl]. Heat shock protein 70 family [InterProScan]. N559_1397, HscA 0.563692744305862 73 AGT26678 GTP-binding protein [Ensembl]. N559_5102 0.5625257419312435 75 AGT25227 TolA colicin import membrane protein [Ensembl]. N559_3579 0.5567836191328022 85 AGT22392 polynucleotide phosphorylase/polyadenylase [Ensembl]. S1 RNA binding domain, domain 2, KH domain, domain 1, K Homology domain, 3' exoribonuclease family [InterProScan]. N559_0594 0.5548533972924574 78 AGT24669 DNA topoisomerase I [Ensembl]. Toprim domain [InterProScan]. N559_3006 0.5546567213084548 82 AGT25853 elongation factor Ts [Ensembl]. N559_4231 0.5518805986777506 80 AGT25260 phosphoglucomutase [Ensembl]. alpha/beta/alpha domain I, C-terminal domain [InterProScan]. N559_3618 0.5515017800155433 97 AGT22256 30S ribosomal protein S8 [Ensembl]. N559_0448 0.5508697573897716 82 AGT22522 putative glutathione-like synthetase [Ensembl]. pre-ATP-grasp-like domain [InterProScan]. N559_0729 0.5502041237026841 84 AGT22207 3-dehydroquinate synthase [Ensembl]. 3-dehydroquinate synthase domain [InterProScan]. N559_0394 0.5483259100083959 96 AGT22254 50S ribosomal protein L5 [Ensembl]. ribosomal L5P family C-terminus [InterProScan]. N559_0446 0.548037102254864 88 AGT23156 Fe-S protein assembly co-chaperone HscB [Ensembl]. DnaJ domain, HSCB C-terminal oligomerisation domain [InterProScan]. N559_1396, HscB 0.5465737487508986 89 AGT24960 paraquat-inducible protein A [Ensembl]. N559_3302 0.5454528966176208 90 AGT22513 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. CYTH domain [InterProScan]. N559_0720 0.5430268275046348 92 AGT22253 50S ribosomal protein L24 [Ensembl]. N559_0445 0.5422192454833877 93 AGT22209 DNA adenine methylase [Ensembl]. N559_0396 0.5417151400935267 94 AGT26584 transcription termination factor Rho [Ensembl]. N-terminal domain, RNA-binding domain, nucleotide-binding domain, ATP synthase alpha/beta family [InterProScan]. N559_5002 0.5395110389037553 95 AGT25261 replication initiation regulator SeqA [Ensembl]. SeqA protein C-terminal domain, SeqA protein N-terminal domain, C-terminal DNA-binding domain [InterProScan]. N559_3619, SeqA 0.5378533606555093 96 AGT23396 elongation factor P [Ensembl]. Elongation factor P (EF-P) KOW-like domain, Elongation factor P (EF-P) OB domain [InterProScan]. N559_1650 0.5333455449123059 99