Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr KNA49918 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function [Interproscan]. VCV51_033765 0.7955403934755111 10 KNA51541 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033582 0.7133949544287508 2 KNA49924 acetyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_033752 0.7096112460778533 36 KNA50239 prepilin-type N-terminal cleavage/methylation domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. Prokaryotic N-terminal methylation motif [Interproscan]. VCV51_033687 0.7041841983571104 30 KNA60805 cold-shock' DNA-binding domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. 'Cold-shock' DNA-binding domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032067 0.6836208074036147 12 KNA48718 metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein [Ensembl]. Beta-Casp domain, Metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily, Zn-dependent metallo-hydrolase RNA specificity domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_030193 0.6574528450722539 9 KNA50243 MSHA biogenesis protein MshP [Ensembl]. VCV51_033690, MshP 0.6388925924396884 53 KNA53017 asparagine synthetase [Ensembl]. VCV51_031559 0.6377640108506226 12 KNA53756 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033273 0.6277587337274809 21 KNA54613 hpt domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. Hpt domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_030715 0.6252751253125758 12 KNA49867 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033770 0.6190389200501435 54 KNA53058 purine nucleoside phosphorylase [Ensembl]. VCV51_033362 0.6137656968043552 25 KNA56866 FeS assembly protein IscX [Ensembl]. Iron-sulphur cluster assembly [Interproscan]. VCV51_032863, IscX 0.6067197584532548 13 KNA46119 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Lysozyme inhibitor LprI [Interproscan]. VCV51_033913 0.6016327317358169 41 KNA55045 toluene tolerance protein Ttg2D [Ensembl]. MlaC protein [Interproscan]. VCV51_033194 0.6007372632761291 19 KNA49928 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033756 0.5976443885015544 76 KNA52119 phosphoprotein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033488 0.5876264571863813 43 KNA44193 thiosulfate-binding protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033961 0.5876264571863813 43 KNA55338 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_031034 0.5844631015206604 31 KNA58570 phage protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_032730 0.580565656789325 20 KNA58931 crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC [Ensembl]. Crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC [Interproscan]. VCV51_032621, RuvC 0.5615205282504403 26 KNA51520 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0181) [Interproscan]. VCV51_033559 0.5604839003825227 22 KNA60790 ferrisiderophore reductase [Ensembl]. Globin, Oxidoreductase FAD-binding domain, Oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032052 0.5549971017924712 23 KNA60533 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_032204 0.5526994682121307 24 KNA55335 glutaredoxin [Ensembl]. Glutaredoxin [Interproscan]. VCV51_033035 0.5516085532669689 51 KNA49919 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033745 0.5487812723316907 26 KNA45506 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033926 0.5487812723316907 27 KNA44020 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033983 0.5057466974595803 33 KNA55709 major facilitator superfamily transporter [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. VCV51_031017 0.5027159460827009 35 KNA51125 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Flavinator of succinate dehydrogenase [Interproscan]. VCV51_033626 0.4808429132415112 60 KNA54624 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_030724 0.48045979819494433 42 KNA54640 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033214 0.46294676036609933 46 KNA56906 citrate lyase ligase domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. Acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain, Citrate lyase ligase C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_030538 0.4514019806673818 98 KNA59747 OsmC-like protein [Ensembl]. OsmC-like protein [Interproscan]. VCV51_032442 0.444613247569422 62 KNA58248 bicyclomycin/multidrug efflux system [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2913) [Interproscan]. VCV51_032756 0.4342142685920056 60 KNA52112 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function [Interproscan]. VCV51_033481 0.41730500796741526 67 KNA48531 bacterial DNA-binding protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial DNA-binding protein [Interproscan]. VCV51_030201 0.4069451993287158 71 KNA53880 TfoX domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. TfoX C-terminal domain, TfoX N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_030816 0.3854317539403392 79 KNA58147 type I secretion target ggxgxdxxx repeat domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_032770 0.37993112421007014 82 KNA61028 diacylglycerol kinase [Ensembl]. Prokaryotic diacylglycerol kinase [Interproscan]. VCV51_032003 0.379563703751704 83 KNA56153 cytidine deaminase [Ensembl]. Cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding region [Interproscan]. VCV51_030893 0.37629731134484573 85 KNA50182 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function [Interproscan]. VCV51_033718 0.35954471274875693 90 KNA50159 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function [Interproscan]. VCV51_033721 0.35954471274875693 91 KNA50149 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function [Interproscan]. VCV51_033736 0.35954471274875693 92 KNA44005 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function [Interproscan]. VCV51_033986 0.35954471274875693 93 KNA44127 Hcp1 family type VI secretion system effector [Ensembl]. Type VI secretion system effector [Interproscan]. VCV51_033968 0.3548426254813534 95