Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr KNA60736 sodium/glutamate symporter [Ensembl]. Sodium/glutamate symporter [Interproscan]. VCV51_032176 0.7972849553022607 2 KNA59915 DEAD/DEAH box helicase [Ensembl]. DEAD/DEAH box helicase, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032326 0.7830358802018264 2 KNA59815 lipase [Ensembl]. VCV51_032498 0.7251635836585476 3 KNA60905 D-alanine-D-alanine ligase [Ensembl]. D-ala D-ala ligase C-terminus, D-ala D-ala ligase N-terminus [Interproscan]. VCV51_031879 0.7057990038313385 5 KNA61029 UvrD/REP helicase [Ensembl]. UvrD/REP helicase N-terminal domain, UvrD-like helicase C-terminal domain, DNA helicase IV / RNA helicase N terminal [Interproscan]. VCV51_032004 0.7043405092366654 15 KNA60772 DEAD/DEAH box helicase [Ensembl]. DEAD/DEAH box helicase, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032034 0.702083135129201 6 KNA60928 major facilitator superfamily transporter [Ensembl]. Major Facilitator Superfamily [Interproscan]. VCV51_031902 0.6801594555387732 7 KNA60688 haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Ensembl]. Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. VCV51_032127 0.6675808792700134 8 KNA59907 LysE type translocator [Ensembl]. LysE type translocator [Interproscan]. VCV51_032318 0.6670250274943832 9 KNA52279 antibiotic acetyltransferase [Ensembl]. Bacterial transferase hexapeptide (six repeats) [Interproscan]. VCV51_033445 0.662804984135933 19 KNA60724 DEAD/DEAH box helicase [Ensembl]. DEAD/DEAH box helicase, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032163 0.6621572460281387 11 KNA60780 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Ion channel [Interproscan]. VCV51_032042 0.6556277761571997 81 KNA59869 peptidase family M23 [Ensembl]. Peptidase family M23 [Interproscan]. VCV51_032280 0.6476662660395258 13 KNA59802 DEAD/DEAH box helicase [Ensembl]. DEAD/DEAH box helicase, Helicase conserved C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032493 0.6450816026305046 14 KNA52289 AraC family Bacterial regulatory helix-turn-helix protein [Ensembl]. Helix-turn-helix domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_033456 0.6380906242980742 57 KNA60910 bacterial extracellular solute-binding protein, family 5 [Ensembl]. Sugar transport-related sRNA regulator N-term, Bacterial extracellular solute-binding proteins [Interproscan]. VCV51_031884 0.6122347272380527 71 KNA51549 response regulator receiver domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. Transcriptional regulatory protein, Response regulator receiver domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_033592 0.6097641674840912 32 KNA59766 MgtE intracellular N domain-containing protein [Ensembl]. MgtE intracellular N domain, Divalent cation transporter [Interproscan]. VCV51_032461 0.609260969311545 25 KNA59767 small-conductance mechanosensitive channel [Ensembl]. Mechanosensitive ion channel [Interproscan]. VCV51_032462 0.6039019830690212 34 KNA59751 cation efflux family protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_032446 0.6009958475761423 21 KNA59749 bacterial transferase hexapeptide [Ensembl]. Maltose acetyltransferase, Bacterial transferase hexapeptide (six repeats) [Interproscan]. VCV51_032444 0.5992043385211692 79 KNA59750 integral membrane protein DUF6 [Ensembl]. VCV51_032445 0.5881385617345759 83 KNA59769 agmatinase [Ensembl]. Arginase family [Interproscan]. VCV51_032464 0.58203847526365 34 KNA59880 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein [Ensembl]. HAMP domain, Four helix bundle sensory module for signal transduction, Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) signalling domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032291 0.5766551914471416 27 KNA59803 tetR family Bacterial regulatory protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial regulatory proteins [Interproscan]. VCV51_030864 0.5677220868770605 63 KNA52213 threonyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. TGS domain, Anticodon binding domain, tRNA synthetase class II core domain (G, Threonyl and Alanyl tRNA synthetase second additional domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_033471 0.5574845368931932 29 KNA59801 acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase [Ensembl]. Acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase [Interproscan]. VCV51_030862 0.549242414773112 42 KNA52295 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. VCV51_033462 0.5375530705949637 41 KNA59995 cytochrome b562 [Ensembl]. VCV51_032407 0.5360791961051302 92 KNA61039 cobyric acid synthase CobQ [Ensembl]. CobQ/CobB/MinD/ParA nucleotide binding domain, CobB/CobQ-like glutamine amidotransferase domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_032014, CobQ 0.5346250655346592 52 KNA51522 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2861) [Interproscan]. VCV51_033561 0.5334523906982672 73 KNA59778 DEAD/DEAH box helicase [Ensembl]. VCV51_032473 0.5315548498951383 100 KNA59768 arginine decarboxylase [Ensembl]. VCV51_032463 0.5314306970589425 48 KNA47425 prevent-host-death family protein [Ensembl]. Antitoxin Phd_YefM [Interproscan]. VCV51_033889 0.5251422544402968 100 KNA44741 prevent-host-death family protein [Ensembl]. Antitoxin Phd_YefM [Interproscan]. VCV51_033943 0.5251422544402968 100 KNA59788 isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase [Ensembl]. Predicted ATPase of the ABC class [Interproscan]. VCV51_032483 0.5221809879630959 90 KNA59972 acyltransferase [Ensembl]. Acyltransferase [Interproscan]. VCV51_032384 0.5113811232390248 55 KNA60959 hypothetical protein [Ensembl]. Methyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. VCV51_031934 0.5039083404404326 60 KNA50262 amino acid permease [Ensembl]. Amino acid permease [Interproscan]. VCV51_030291 0.5012068561526815 63 KNA54884 RNA methyltransferase [Ensembl]. SpoU rRNA Methylase family [Interproscan]. VCV51_031807 0.49861110969332983 64 KNA60941 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase [Ensembl]. VCV51_031916 0.48902730031830943 76