Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC73165 LPS assembly OM complex LptDE, beta-barrel component [Ensembl]. OstA-like protein, LPS transport system D [Interproscan]. lptD, b0054 0.7073514319944855 1 AAC73288 BamABCDE complex OM biogenesis outer membrane pore-forming assembly factor [Ensembl]. Surface antigen variable number repeat [Interproscan]. bamA, b0177 0.6327308696280117 4 AAC73290 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)-glucosamine N-acyltransferase [Ensembl]. Hexapeptide repeat of succinyl-transferase, Bacterial transferase hexapeptide (six repeats), UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase [Interproscan]. lpxD, b0179 0.5385379709220016 22 AAC73209 preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase [Ensembl]. SEC-C motif, SecA DEAD-like domain, SecA Wing and Scaffold domain, SecA preprotein cross-linking domain [Interproscan]. secA, b0098 0.5311989808294358 8 AAC73197 UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide:D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. murF, b0086 0.5291216980115663 55 AAC73163 4-hydroxy-L-threonine phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent [Ensembl]. Pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic protein PdxA [Interproscan]. pdxA, b0052 0.5129853124147753 71 AAC73287 inner membrane zinc RIP metalloprotease; RpoE activator, by degrading RseA; cleaved signal peptide endoprotease [Ensembl]. PDZ domain, Peptidase family M50 [Interproscan]. rseP, b0176 0.484593698755936 32 AAC73199 UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine:D-glutamate ligase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. murD, b0088 0.4753234352435855 36 AAC73162 16S rRNA m(6)A1518, m(6)A1519 dimethyltransferase, SAM-dependent [Ensembl]. Ribosomal RNA adenine dimethylase [Interproscan]. rsmA, b0051 0.47240206601690704 77 AAC73137 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetases class I (I, Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA, Zinc finger found in FPG and IleRS [Interproscan]. ileS, b0026 0.4485114308373925 94 AAC75565 BamABCDE complex OM biogenesis lipoprotein [Ensembl]. PQQ-like domain [Interproscan]. bamB, b2512 0.44271529173445756 25 AAC75566 ancillary SecYEG translocon subunit; putative anti-RcsB factor [Ensembl]. yfgM, b2513 0.4330552723554487 79 AAC73203 D-alanine:D-alanine ligase [Ensembl]. D-ala D-ala ligase C-terminus, D-ala D-ala ligase N-terminus [Interproscan]. ddlB, b0092 0.4164762341567641 36 AAC73272 serine endoprotease (protease Do), membrane-associated [Ensembl]. PDZ domain, Trypsin-like peptidase domain [Interproscan]. degP, b0161 0.4093429160606166 28 AAC73206 GTP-binding tubulin-like cell division protein [Ensembl]. Tubulin/FtsZ family [Interproscan]. ftsZ, b0095 0.4092425528206316 35 AAC73831 membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex [Ensembl]. MotA/TolQ/ExbB proton channel family [Interproscan]. tolQ, b0737 0.4014047667207003 92 AAC75485 RpoE-regulated lipoprotein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1131) [Interproscan]. yfeY, b2432 0.38564984336246955 46 AAC76091 SH3 domain protein [Ensembl]. Bacterial SH3 domain [Interproscan]. ygiM, b3055 0.377666731653707 57 AAC73289 periplasmic chaperone [Ensembl]. Outer membrane protein (OmpH-like) [Interproscan]. skp, b0178 0.3759411176800259 41 AAC73512 SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunit [Ensembl]. secF, b0409 0.3568954837242593 90 AAC73906 L,D-transpeptidase linking Lpp to murein [Ensembl]. L [Interproscan]. ldtB, b0819 0.348628976800236 84 AAC73759 putative ion transport [Ensembl]. CBS domain, Transporter associated domain [Interproscan]. ybeX, b0658 0.34465623680697305 74 AAC75625 anti-sigma factor [Ensembl]. Anti sigma-E protein RseA [Interproscan]. rseA, b2572 0.3237799077354587 96