Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC73197 UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide:D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. murF, b0086 0.8389016369753439 1 AAC73199 UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine:D-glutamate ligase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. murD, b0088 0.8334173308882555 2 AAC73202 UDP-N-acetylmuramate:L-alanine ligase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. murC, b0091 0.7912270429734913 4 AAC73198 phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide transferase [Ensembl]. Glycosyl transferase family 4, Phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase signature 1 [Interproscan]. mraY, b0087 0.769762464299856 5 AAC73201 N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase [Ensembl]. Glycosyltransferase family 28 N-terminal domain, Glycosyltransferase family 28 C-terminal domain [Interproscan]. murG, b0090 0.7556132563694763 5 AAC73200 putative lipid II flippase; integral membrane protein; FtsZ ring stabilizer [Ensembl]. Cell cycle protein [Interproscan]. ftsW, b0089 0.7018503856615 6 AAC73140 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase, 4Fe-4S protein [Ensembl]. LytB protein [Interproscan]. ispH, b0029 0.6393919754205333 7 AAC74010 chromosome condensin MukBEF, ATPase and DNA-binding subunit [Ensembl]. MukB N-terminal, MukB hinge domain, Putative exonuclease SbcCD [Interproscan]. mukB, b0924 0.6358380456289453 8 AAC73203 D-alanine:D-alanine ligase [Ensembl]. D-ala D-ala ligase C-terminus, D-ala D-ala ligase N-terminus [Interproscan]. ddlB, b0092 0.6338594190940378 9 AAC73137 isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetases class I (I, Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA, Zinc finger found in FPG and IleRS [Interproscan]. ileS, b0026 0.6334367527231568 10 AAC77342 DNA repair protein [Ensembl]. radA, b4389 0.6034066770101463 20 AAC77341 3-phosphoserine phosphatase [Ensembl]. haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase, Domain of unknown function (DUF5609) [Interproscan]. serB, b4388 0.5861023165251462 16 AAC74008 chromosome condensin MukBEF, kleisin-like subunit, binds calcium [Ensembl]. MukF middle domain, MukF C-terminal domain, MukF winged-helix domain [Interproscan]. mukF, b0922 0.5847548157451293 16 AAC73205 ATP-binding cell division FtsK recruitment protein [Ensembl]. Cell division protein FtsA, SHS2 domain inserted in FTSA [Interproscan]. ftsA, b0094 0.5844863048297578 14 AAC76279 ribonuclease G [Ensembl]. S1 RNA binding domain, Ribonuclease E/G family [Interproscan]. rng, b3247 0.5806452618242575 21 AAC73290 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)-glucosamine N-acyltransferase [Ensembl]. Hexapeptide repeat of succinyl-transferase, Bacterial transferase hexapeptide (six repeats), UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase [Interproscan]. lpxD, b0179 0.5785364783497009 16 AAC76814 site-specific tyrosine recombinase [Ensembl]. Phage integrase family [Interproscan]. xerC, b3811 0.5639536316247309 70 AAC73293 tetraacyldisaccharide-1-P synthase [Ensembl]. Lipid-A-disaccharide synthetase [Interproscan]. lpxB, b0182 0.5629579469881685 32 AAC73193 16S rRNA m(4)C1402 methyltransferase, SAM-dependent [Ensembl]. MraW methylase family [Interproscan]. rsmH, b0082 0.556374933594596 20 AAC73295 DNA polymerase III alpha subunit [Ensembl]. PHP domain, Helix-hairpin-helix motif, OB-fold nucleic acid binding domain, Bacterial DNA polymerase III alpha NTPase domain, Bacterial DNA polymerase III alpha subunit finger domain [Interproscan]. dnaE, b0184 0.5557457934257661 52 AAC76432 putative transcriptional accessory protein [Ensembl]. HHH domain, S1 RNA binding domain, Helix-hairpin-helix motif, Tex protein YqgF-like domain, Tex-like protein N-terminal domain [Interproscan]. yhgF, b3407 0.5497456122429812 31 AAC75786 broad specificity 5'(3')-nucleotidase and polyphosphatase [Ensembl]. Survival protein SurE [Interproscan]. umpG, b2744 0.5478859454364559 25 AAC74009 chromosome condensin MukBEF, MukE localization factor [Ensembl]. MukE-like family [Interproscan]. mukE, b0923 0.542061457294708 26 AAC74201 outer membrane-specific lipoprotein transporter subunit [Ensembl]. ABC transporter [Interproscan]. lolD, b1117 0.5420236311479106 73 AAC73511 SecYEG protein translocase auxillary subunit [Ensembl]. SecD/SecF GG Motif, Protein export membrane protein, SecD export protein N-terminal TM region [Interproscan]. secD, b0408 0.5390344020885935 29 AAC75785 L-isoaspartate protein carboxylmethyltransferase type II [Ensembl]. Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PCMT) [Interproscan]. pcm, b2743 0.5388874555745639 36 AAC73213 FtsZ stabilizer [Ensembl]. Cell division protein [Interproscan]. zapD, b0102 0.5373980486188406 53 AAC76893 sensory histidine kinase in two-component regulatory system with CpxR [Ensembl]. HAMP domain, Histidine kinase-, Two-component sensor protein CpxA, His Kinase A (phospho-acceptor) domain [Interproscan]. cpxA, b3911 0.5348272988650111 56 AAC73806 putative allophanate hydrolase, subunit 2 [Ensembl]. Carboxyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. pxpC, b0712 0.5325782478754605 66 AAC73288 BamABCDE complex OM biogenesis outer membrane pore-forming assembly factor [Ensembl]. Surface antigen variable number repeat [Interproscan]. bamA, b0177 0.5273740284467299 36 AAC75787 tRNA(Glu) pseudouridine(13) synthase [Ensembl]. tRNA pseudouridine synthase D (TruD) [Interproscan]. truD, b2745 0.5259019710596585 41 AAC75380 erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase [Ensembl]. pdxB, b2320 0.5250829340983051 92 AAC75567 histidyl tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. Anticodon binding domain, Histidyl-tRNA synthetase [Interproscan]. hisS, b2514 0.5235655094773976 62 AAC73807 UPF0271 family protein [Ensembl]. LamB/YcsF family [Interproscan]. pxpA, b0713 0.5230472822673479 45 AAC73136 bifunctional riboflavin kinase/FAD synthetase [Ensembl]. FAD synthetase, Riboflavin kinase [Interproscan]. ribF, b0025 0.5226272450377787 46 AAC76410 phosphoglycolate phosphatase [Ensembl]. Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. gph, b3385 0.5207217018416868 100 AAC73524 geranyltranstransferase [Ensembl]. Polyprenyl synthetase [Interproscan]. ispA, b0421 0.5195684730707677 50 AAC73769 UMP phosphatase [Ensembl]. HAD-hyrolase-like, Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase [Interproscan]. umpH, b0675 0.5191049238864338 70 AAC76088 heptose 7-phosphate kinase and heptose 1-phosphate adenyltransferase [Ensembl]. Cytidylyltransferase-like, pfkB family carbohydrate kinase [Interproscan]. hldE, b3052 0.5175451582679518 94 AAC77190 UDP-N-acetylmuramate:L-alanyl-gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate ligase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. mpl, b4233 0.5161730184615823 75 AAC73204 divisome assembly protein, membrane anchored protein involved in growth of wall at septum [Ensembl]. POTRA domain, Cell division protein FtsQ [Interproscan]. ftsQ, b0093 0.5159944636913832 54 AAC75788 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [Ensembl]. YgbB family [Interproscan]. ispF, b2746 0.5137019937859127 55 AAC77215 valyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetases class I (I, Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA, Valyl tRNA synthetase tRNA binding arm [Interproscan]. valS, b4258 0.5115319231600955 65 AAC73734 septal ring protein, suppressor of prc, minor lipoprotein [Ensembl]. Lytic transglycolase, Sporulation related domain [Interproscan]. rlpA, b0633 0.5078988356468924 60 AAC73296 acetyl-CoA carboxylase, carboxytransferase, alpha subunit [Ensembl]. Acetyl co-enzyme A carboxylase carboxyltransferase alpha subunit [Interproscan]. accA, b0185 0.5024298385748907 62 AAC75375 bifunctional folylpolyglutamate synthase/ dihydrofolate synthase [Ensembl]. Mur ligase family, Mur ligase middle domain [Interproscan]. folC, b2315 0.5006624732851127 81 AAC77131 modulator for HflB protease specific for phage lambda cII repressor [Ensembl]. SPFH domain / Band 7 family, Bacterial membrane protein N terminal [Interproscan]. hflK, b4174 0.4966192299865603 65 AAC76796 TDP-4-oxo-6-deoxy-D-glucose transaminase [Ensembl]. DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS aminotransferase family [Interproscan]. wecE, b3791 0.49450891544823083 67 AAC75739 alanyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. DHHA1 domain, tRNA synthetases class II (A), Threonyl and Alanyl tRNA synthetase second additional domain [Interproscan]. alaS, b2697 0.4906838395874704 70 AAC73163 4-hydroxy-L-threonine phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent [Ensembl]. Pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic protein PdxA [Interproscan]. pdxA, b0052 0.48927914122232463 95 AAC73743 leucyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. Leucyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA synthetases class I (I, Anticodon-binding domain of tRNA [Interproscan]. leuS, b0642 0.4858786890190277 77 AAC73518 riboflavin synthase beta chain [Ensembl]. 6 [Interproscan]. ribE, b0415 0.4817816309477411 83 AAC73287 inner membrane zinc RIP metalloprotease; RpoE activator, by degrading RseA; cleaved signal peptide endoprotease [Ensembl]. PDZ domain, Peptidase family M50 [Interproscan]. rseP, b0176 0.4801922628843377 85 AAC73805 putative allophanate hydrolase, subunit 1 [Ensembl]. Carboxyltransferase domain [Interproscan]. pxpB, b0711 0.47830690595564473 88 AAC73209 preprotein translocase subunit, ATPase [Ensembl]. SEC-C motif, SecA DEAD-like domain, SecA Wing and Scaffold domain, SecA preprotein cross-linking domain [Interproscan]. secA, b0098 0.4781897641109587 89 AAC73594 DnaK co-chaperone, thioredoxin-like protein [Ensembl]. Thioredoxin, Tetratricopeptide repeat [Interproscan]. cnoX, b0492 0.4767596458148399 91 AAC73165 LPS assembly OM complex LptDE, beta-barrel component [Ensembl]. OstA-like protein, LPS transport system D [Interproscan]. lptD, b0054 0.476105653318922 92 AAC73244 pantothenate synthetase [Ensembl]. Pantoate-beta-alanine ligase [Interproscan]. panC, b0133 0.47432188460924446 94 AAC76409 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [Ensembl]. tRNA synthetases class I (W and Y) [Interproscan]. trpS, b3384 0.47338002715619437 97 AAC76370 sulfurtransferase for 2-thiolation step of mnm(5)-s(2)U34-tRNA synthesis [Ensembl]. DsrE/DsrF-like family [Interproscan]. tusD, b3345 0.47219273711051607 98 AAC73782 phosphoglucomutase [Ensembl]. Phosphoglucomutase/phosphomannomutase [Interproscan]. pgm, b0688 0.4714742354115356 100