Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC74723 glyoxalase I, Ni-dependent [Ensembl]. Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dioxygenase superfamily [Interproscan]. gloA, b1651 0.5366872537024332 3 AAC73291 (3R)-hydroxymyristol acyl carrier protein dehydratase [Ensembl]. fabZ, b0180 0.5142162575714396 11 AAC74528 DUF2526 family protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2526) [Interproscan]. ydcY, b1446 0.5130284196580737 7 AAC74934 UPF0082 family protein [Ensembl]. Transcriptional regulator [Interproscan]. yebC, b1864 0.5126608443262529 53 AAC75232 elongation factor P-like protein [Ensembl]. Elongation factor P (EF-P) OB domain, Elongation factor P (EF-P) KOW-like domain [Interproscan]. yeiP, b2171 0.5016201939302389 16 AAC76626 ribosome-associated DUF2810 family protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2810) [Interproscan]. yibL, b3602 0.47766102637182095 25 AAC75468 phosphohistidinoprotein-hexose phosphotransferase component of PTS system (Hpr) [Ensembl]. PTS HPr component phosphorylation site [Interproscan]. ptsH, b2415 0.47446281294793075 8 AAC75742 nicotinamide-nucleotide amidohydrolase; NMN amidohydrolase [Ensembl]. Competence-damaged protein [Interproscan]. pncC, b2700 0.4589660163563842 12 AAC75548 putative oxidoreductase [Ensembl]. ArsC family [Interproscan]. yfgD, b2495 0.44019868651324284 44 AAC77029 single-stranded DNA-binding protein [Ensembl]. Single-strand binding protein family [Interproscan]. ssb, b4059 0.4377961628577673 20 AAC77212 protein inhibitor of RNase E [Ensembl]. Regulator of ribonuclease activity B [Interproscan]. rraB, b4255 0.43073570643256603 41 AAC75503 CPZ-55 prophage; uncharacterized protein [Ensembl]. yffS, b2450 0.429910129803986 14 AAC74788 translation initiation factor IF-3 [Ensembl]. infC, b1718 0.4202560950375343 15 AAC75363 D-erythro-7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 2'-epimerase and dihydroneopterin aldolase [Ensembl]. Dihydroneopterin aldolase [Interproscan]. folX, b2303 0.4134618982056705 36 AAC74897 KDG regulon transcriptional repressor [Ensembl]. IclR helix-turn-helix domain, Bacterial transcriptional regulator [Interproscan]. kdgR, b1827 0.41208731841820107 69 AAC74119 redox enzyme maturation protein (REMP) chaperone for YcdX [Ensembl]. Nitrate reductase delta subunit [Interproscan]. ycdY, b1035 0.4071097522636726 91 AAC76910 FtsZ stabilizer, septal ring assembly factor, cell division stimulator [Ensembl]. Cell division protein ZapB [Interproscan]. zapB, b3928 0.40223324201905164 88 AAC73281 translation elongation factor EF-Ts [Ensembl]. Elongation factor TS [Interproscan]. tsf, b0170 0.40012146989159714 38 AAC74982 DUF2594 family protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2594) [Interproscan]. yecF, b1915 0.39190334832941753 26 AAC73256 transcriptional regulator of rRNA transcription; DnaK suppressor protein [Ensembl]. Prokaryotic dksA/traR C4-type zinc finger [Interproscan]. dksA, b0145 0.3912268314445824 25 AAC73576 adenylate kinase [Ensembl]. Adenylate kinase [Interproscan]. adk, b0474 0.390505852541807 30 AAC75047 UPF0082 family protein [Ensembl]. yeeN, b1983 0.3756834667957483 53 AAC75410 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; bactoprenol glucosyl transferase [Ensembl]. Glycosyl transferase family 2 [Interproscan]. yfdH, b2351 0.37041500439702574 53 AAC73341 aminoacyl-histidine dipeptidase (peptidase D) [Ensembl]. pepD, b0237 0.3700950424577915 68 AAC73728 TatABCE protein translocation system subunit [Ensembl]. mttA/Hcf106 family [Interproscan]. tatE, b0627 0.3699501938152431 33 AAC74852 scaffolding protein for murein synthesizing machinery [Ensembl]. mipA, b1782 0.36569917435544547 61 AAC76780 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C (rotamase C) [Ensembl]. PPIC-type PPIASE domain [Interproscan]. ppiC, b3775 0.3635113055991715 37 AAC75996 DUF469 family protein [Ensembl]. Protein with unknown function (DUF469) [Interproscan]. yggL, b2959 0.3628085559106578 42 AAC75551 uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [Ensembl]. Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [Interproscan]. upp, b2498 0.35287737338658065 51 AAC76960 50S ribosomal subunit protein L7/L12 [Ensembl]. Ribosomal protein L7/L12 C-terminal domain, Ribosomal protein L7/L12 dimerisation domain [Interproscan]. rplL, b3986 0.35155408331385435 51 AAC74512 tellurite, selenium methyltransferase, SAM-dependent; tellurite, selenium resistance protein [Ensembl]. Tellurite resistance protein TehB [Interproscan]. tehB, b1430 0.34993781816780567 66 AAC74655 UPF0482 family putative periplasmic protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF1283) [Interproscan]. ynfB, b1583 0.34332282428748506 67 AAC76634 glutaredoxin 3 [Ensembl]. Glutaredoxin [Interproscan]. grxC, b3610 0.340687914386592 83 AAC76222 acid stress protein; putative BolA family transcriptional regulator [Ensembl]. BolA-like protein [Interproscan]. ibaG, b3190 0.3282607353217387 86 AAC77129 global sRNA chaperone; HF-I, host factor for RNA phage Q beta replication [Ensembl]. Hfq protein [Interproscan]. hfq, b4172 0.32651183630989955 63 AAC76372 FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (rotamase) [Ensembl]. FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Domain amino terminal to FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl isomerase [Interproscan]. fkpA, b3347 0.3207222311318363 65 AAC74973 DUF2766 family protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2766) [Interproscan]. yecJ, b4537 0.3166385214110711 78 AAC73970 translation initiation factor IF-1 [Ensembl]. Translation initiation factor 1A / IF-1 [Interproscan]. infA, b0884 0.31059243588902374 73 AAC75348 NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, membrane subunit A [Ensembl]. NADH-ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase [Interproscan]. nuoA, b2288 0.30754260344218565 79 AAC73236 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [Ensembl]. Phosphoribosyl transferase domain [Interproscan]. hpt, b0125 0.3073109855574496 82 AAC76760 F0 sector of membrane-bound ATP synthase, subunit c [Ensembl]. ATP synthase subunit C [Interproscan]. atpE, b3737 0.3049870073597616 82 AAC73159 dihydrofolate reductase [Ensembl]. Dihydrofolate reductase [Interproscan]. folA, b0048 0.30013743127589926 84 AAC76085 motility and biofilm regulator [Ensembl]. Glycogen synthesis protein [Interproscan]. glgS, b3049 0.29841209999576673 85 AAC77069 zinc-ribbon family protein [Ensembl]. PhnA domain, PhnA Zinc-Ribbon [Interproscan]. yjdM, b4108 0.29564436527318144 92 AAC75168 periplasmic modulator of Ni and Co efflux [Ensembl]. Nickel/cobalt transporter regulator [Interproscan]. rcnB, b2107 0.28985185838874683 96