Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AAC73349 CP4-6 prophage; antitoxin of the YkfI-YafW toxin-antitoxin system [Ensembl]. CbeA_antitoxin [Interproscan]. yafW, b0246 0.5797494532095812 25 AAC75055 IS5 transposase and trans-activator [Ensembl]. Transposase DDE domain, Transposase domain (DUF772) [Interproscan]. insH6, b1994 0.5524986670460644 2 AAC73133 IS1 repressor TnpA [Ensembl]. insA1, b0022 0.5503346578728436 22 AAC74964 IS1 repressor TnpA [Ensembl]. insA5, b1894 0.5503346578728436 22 AAC76469 IS1 repressor TnpA [Ensembl]. insA6, b3444 0.5503346578728436 22 AAC73351 CP4-6 prophage; uncharacterized protein [Ensembl]. Antirestriction protein [Interproscan]. yafX, b0248 0.5492715482442525 17 ABD18646 IS1 repressor TnpA [Ensembl]. insA4, b4516 0.5140298598393406 50 AAC74698 DUF2569 family inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. Protein of unknown function (DUF2569) [Interproscan]. ydgK, b1626 0.5073537811233572 12 AAC74596 DUF4186 family protein [Ensembl]. Domain of unknown function (DUF4186) [Interproscan]. yneG, b1523 0.5033818612908805 34 AAC74699 SoxR iron-sulfur cluster reduction factor component; inner membrane protein of electron transport complex [Ensembl]. Rnf-Nqr subunit [Interproscan]. rsxA, b1627 0.48571916760083533 77 AAC73464 IS2 transposase TnpB [Ensembl]. insD1, b0361 0.47381078052190384 57 AAC74484 IS2 transposase TnpB [Ensembl]. insD2, b1402 0.47381078052190384 57 AAC75057 IS2 transposase TnpB [Ensembl]. insD3, b1996 0.47381078052190384 57 AAC75899 IS2 transposase TnpB [Ensembl]. insD4, b2860 0.47381078052190384 57 AAC76081 IS2 transposase TnpB [Ensembl]. insD5, b3045 0.47381078052190384 57 AAC77229 IS2 transposase TnpB [Ensembl]. insD6, b4273 0.47381078052190384 57 ABP93453 UV-inducible membrane toxin, DinQ-AgrB type I toxin-antitoxin system [Ensembl]. dinQ, b4613 0.47067070805466493 44 ACO59999 toxic membrane protein [Ensembl]. Toxin Ibs [Interproscan]. ibsA, b4667 0.4604636858941569 45 AAC73779 LexA-regulated protein, CopB family [Ensembl]. Ribbon-helix-helix protein [Interproscan]. ybfE, b0685 0.45716531815651706 44 AAC73192 RsmH methytransferase inhibitor [Ensembl]. MraZ protein [Interproscan]. mraZ, b0081 0.44851266390872907 31 AAC75639 putative lipoprotein [Ensembl]. yfiM, b2586 0.44831971564417833 23 AAC73348 CP4-6 prophage; toxin of the YkfI-YafW toxin-antitoxin system [Ensembl]. CbtA_toxin of type IV toxin-antitoxin system [Interproscan]. ykfI, b0245 0.4459134789122464 46 ACO60008 toxic membrane protein [Ensembl]. Toxin Ibs [Interproscan]. ibsD, b4664 0.44090753642780517 49 AAC74527 DUF2566 family protein [Ensembl]. Toxin GhoT_OrtT [Interproscan]. ortT, b1445 0.44029816893656887 51 ACO60002 inner membrane protein [Ensembl]. ypdK, b4680 0.4398141381368296 47 ACO60000 toxic membrane protein [Ensembl]. Toxin Ibs [Interproscan]. ibsB, b4668 0.42915851284336975 40 AAC74032 FtsZ stabilizer [Ensembl]. Cell-division protein ZapC [Interproscan]. zapC, b0946 0.4175707478281849 60 AAC74313 protamine-like protein [Ensembl]. tpr, b1229 0.4156134386272173 51 AAC76788 transcription termination factor [Ensembl]. Rho termination factor, ATP synthase alpha/beta family [Interproscan]. rho, b3783 0.4095758094581348 83 AAC76058 GCU-specific mRNA interferase toxin of the MqsR-MqsA toxin-antitoxin system; biofilm/motility regulator; anti-repressor [Ensembl]. Motility quorum-sensing regulator [Interproscan]. mqsR, b3022 0.4091701195870906 42 ACO60003 toxic membrane protein [Ensembl]. shoB, b4687 0.40043537855389627 52 AAC73112 thr operon leader peptide [Ensembl]. Threonine leader peptide [Interproscan]. thrL, b0001 0.39540438211447726 54 AAC74858 uncharacterized protein [Ensembl]. yoaI, b1788 0.3950893381509133 79 AAC75654 OM lipoprotein putative positive effector of YfiN activity [Ensembl]. OmpA family [Interproscan]. yfiB, b2605 0.38928105909293237 57 AAC76956 transcription termination factor [Ensembl]. KOW motif, Transcription termination factor nusG [Interproscan]. nusG, b3982 0.3865038089669089 59 AAT48127 toxic polypeptide, small [Ensembl]. Toxin Ldr [Interproscan]. ldrB, b4421 0.3687630695347815 70 AAC76981 stress-induced protein [Ensembl]. yjaA, b4011 0.3646478818754473 83 ACO60013 uncharacterized protein [Ensembl]. yjeV, b4670 0.35303970120547556 94 AAC74247 anti-repressor for YcgE, blue light-responsive; FAD-binding; inactive c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase-like EAL domain protein [Ensembl]. EAL domain, Sensors of blue-light using FAD [Interproscan]. bluF, b1163 0.3483011769029708 98